Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 31st

Dear Winter,

It's New Year's Eve already 😱 This is going to be my last letter for the year and that's one scary thought. Things are so different right now to how they were twelve months ago. It's fantastic to have been able to spend the year with some people that mean the world to me and I hope that this continues into the new year. This Christmas time has been a lot better than I ever thought it would be even though I've been busy and spent a lot of the time working. 

I don't have much else to put into this letter Winter, but thank you for being part of this year! So Winter, here's to a brilliant new year! 

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Writing to Winter: December 30th

Dear Winter,

Do you know what's really great about time off college? Playing silly board games like Cluedo and Rummikub without feeling like you've wasted too much time. Watching endless films and reading books and baking shortbread and just doing whatever the hell you fancy doing. 

I haven't quite done much of any of these things that I enjoy doing yet this time but that doesn't mean you shouldn't. In fact, quite the opposite. You should do absolutely whatever you fancy doing for a while because time isn't going to last forever. All of these small things matter because they make you happy but spending time over the holidays stressing about exams, assignments and coursework, you should keep that to a minimum because one day none of those things will matter and you might just wish that you spent a little bit more time enjoying yourself! 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x