Sunday, 16 November 2014

Escape theory

Everyone has that one place that they take themselves to in their mind when things just aren't going right. I don't mean a bad place where all of the negative things you've ever thought about yourself just keep coming back. What I do mean is that one place where you feel 100% comfortable. The memory you'd go back to in a heartbeat if you could.

It's the place that gives you the hope and strength to keep pushing on, to look forwards and the place that reminds you of everything that you have to fight for. Telling you where my place is isn't going to help you find your own; you have to do that bit for yourself! But being able to have an escape when you need one is so comforting and just what you need when things aren't quite going your way. 

Sometimes I'll spend weeks at a time in this comfortable and happy place and others I won't need it for such a long time. But I know that if I need it, it'll still be there, in my mind and in my heart. Even if you only need a place to escape to for a few seconds to help you carry on there's always somewhere that you can go to that'll make everything okay; the real place might no longer exist but the metaphorical one, the one in your head, that still does. And that's my 'escape theory': that there's always a place for you to go when you need a break from the real world and all of life's problems just for a little while. So where is your escape theory destination? Tell me about it in the comments or just take a moment to think about it.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Booktober: week 4

So you may or may not have noticed but these haven't quite been going up on time. I've been extremely busy with lots of things but mostly working on blog posts for the future so don't think I've been slacking; just been working on things that I'm not ready for you to read yet!

Book four of my Booktober is An Abundance of Katherines which is another of John Green's novels. And you should be pleased to know that I was a lot more impressed by this one! 

I was thoroughly gripped by this novel from the word go! It shows the story of a young man's journey to find love in the most perfect form. But he just doesn't seem to be having any luck at all. What makes it even funnier is that all thirteen of his attempts at a relationship involve a girl called Katherine. In fact, maybe that's what drew me to the novel. It gets to the point at which he's naming his past girlfriends as if they're members of the royal monarchy (Katherine the Second and Katherine VII). We are taken on a romantic (but a little bit cheesy) whirlwind adventure to meet all of the Katherines and learn where they all went wrong. And I guess I felt sorry for the protagonist on more than one occasion; I was practically begging the pages to let him have some success! 

I really enjoyed the humour in the novel as it made the novel a lot moreover a  lighthearted and enjoyable read. 

In fact, the only criticism I have is about the spelling of 'Katherine'. For all 13 of them! 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x