Showing posts with label different. Show all posts
Showing posts with label different. Show all posts

Monday, 15 September 2014

I don't want to be a statistic

I can hear you thinking that this is going to be some crazy blog post about my love for maths but, as much as that is a fantastic idea, it's not. It might be a bit of a different sort of blog post to what you're used to reading on here but it's something that I feel strongly about so hope you don't mind hearing about it...

The other day I was sat in an A level maths lesson and I can't actually remember what was being discussed; it may have been exam grades. Anyway, one of the lads in my class turned around and said something along the lines of 'You're a girl, you're not supposed to be good at this. Girls are good at English and arty things' and it did get me thinking. I wasn't happy to just let this pass! I know that the lad meant absolutely nothing of it more than humour because he's a great person but when questioned he just said that it was 'statistically correct'. 

Now as much as the comment didn't mean anything, it did make me realise that a lot of people do make comments like that meaning it. I don't know the statistics myself but will be looking into them. However, just because on average girls are worse at some things, that doesn't mean that I am 'supposed' to be! I'm a girl, but I'm hardworking; if I want to do something, I will do it! So anything is achievable! I enjoy maths and know that although my maths class consists of 2 girls and 3 boys, the girls did better on average last year! The statistics aren't always valid and people need to start considering this. In our college there are around 100 lads who don't study maths at all. They might be studying English, art or drama but do you ever catch anyone saying 'you're not supposed to be good at this because you're male'? Nope. I didn't think so! 

Another instance where comments like this have been made was in Food Tech back in year 11. I'd made a Black Forest gateaux that was apparently quite impressive, I'm not sure I thought the same at the time though. And one lad said 'Yeah, but she's a girl. She's supposed to be good at cooking'. THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! I made a decent product because I put the hard work in: did the research, practised, made developments and learned from my mistakes. 

There are other things too. Like males are 'supposed' to be better at most sports. But I know some that can't swim a length! I'm not saying I'm fantastic because I'm not; there are lads in my squad that are better than me but equally, there are girls better than them!
Admittedly, natural ability comes into things a lot but ultimately it comes down to attitude and perseverance!

In short, I guess what I'm saying is that you don't have to be good at something just because statistically your 'supposed' to be. I don't want to be good at something because statistics say I should be; I want to work hard for my achievements. And statistics aren't necessarily valid. Companies doing research introduce bias to results and the results should be taken with a pinch of salt! If you enjoy and want to do well in something that breaks a stereotype, go for it! It's your life to live and the most important thing is that you're happy with it. Sometimes doing something to break a stereotype is a lot more rewarding and enjoyable in the long run!

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x