Sunday, 7 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 7th

Dear Winter,

I think today's letter isn't going to be As positive as soMe of our previous ones, but it's something I need to moan about and at the moment It looks like you're at the receiving end, so I apologise. 

Recently, I've heard lots of people telling others, who are struggling with Different things, quite bluntly to 'jUst stop'. Now I'm sorry, but somE things don't work like that. I know that A lot of the Time pEople are only trying to help and I'm so grateful of anyone who takes the time to do that, but sometimes saying things like 'just stop worrying' are like telling someone with an illness, let's use diabetes as an example, to 'just tell your pancreas to start working properly'. It isn't that simple; if it was don't you think the person has already thought about it? Maybe an improved alternative would be 'how can I help you to stop worrying as much?'. And 'it's all in your head' that's another favourite of mine. Just because it's in your head, that doesn't mean it isn't real.

Oh Winter, I think that sometimes people are so eXtremely naive to believe that they can understand everyone's story withouT walking a milE in their shoes. I guess I'M a victim of trying to do that but in reality not everybody can. And if you can't, that doesn't gIve you any right to belittLe there struggles or judge them because in Your life there will be a time when you appreciate exactly the same.

Sometimes people forget that when you come Winter, you bring time for helping others but I hope that this year, a few more people remember.

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 6th

Dear Winter,

The other day I told you that one of the main places that I write is in some sort of vehicle when I'm travelling. But I left you in a little bit of suspense over the second main place, which is coffee shops. For a long time I didn't like going out to anywhere like Costa or Starbucks for various reasons. But voluntary work at a hospital and some friends have educated me very well! 

It's such a lovely, relaxing and quite often a rare opportunity I get to just sit peacefully and enjoy a coffee but everything about the atmosphere makes me forget whatever is going on in the real world and take some time to enjoy something that I enjoy. Taking a notebook to jot down ideas for blog posts, stories and even a sketch pad to have a doodle enables me to have some time to myself. And it's important to have some time to yourself every now and again isn't it Winter? Not like on those early November days when we have to share you with Autumn; it's cold out but the crispy leaves are still freshly fallen from the trees. That's not time to yourself, and sometimes you just need a little break from sharing your time with everyone to refresh yourself. So, contrary to common belief, it is most certainly okay to spend time on your own! 

But other times I enjoy to sit and natter over a caramel latte in the cosy upstairs of my local Cafe Nero with one of my closest friends. We reminisce over memories, catch up with each other and plan the new memories that we'll make. It's taken a long time for me to be able to be even a little bit relaxed in public places  so I guess I've got lots of people to thank for that. And I have a new hobby now; trying every drink on the Christmas menus! 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x