Monday, 8 December 2014

Writing to Winter: December 8th

Dear Winter,

You have to admit that Christmas is creeping up when you come home from college to be greeted by a little bit of Bublé, a fridge full of tiffin and you you can't even see the kitchen table for mince pies. Only nine college days left until I can relax for a little bit and, as much as I don't really enjoy relaxing like most people, I think I will be glad of the break.

Today has felt like one of the longest days of my life Winter. You had me up throwing hailstones against my bedroom all through the night and I just gave up on sleeping at around half five. But that's fine; and very character building! It gave me chance to get lots done so my day has been long but productive. 

Character building. An interesting choice of words I think and that's what I want to write to you about today. In life the average person will go through lots of things that they don't want and have to do lots of things that they don't want to do. But wise words from my swim coach have taught me that 'good people do well in the things that they want to but better people do well in the things that they don't'. Just some words for you to think about today Winter.

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 7th

Dear Winter,

I think today's letter isn't going to be As positive as soMe of our previous ones, but it's something I need to moan about and at the moment It looks like you're at the receiving end, so I apologise. 

Recently, I've heard lots of people telling others, who are struggling with Different things, quite bluntly to 'jUst stop'. Now I'm sorry, but somE things don't work like that. I know that A lot of the Time pEople are only trying to help and I'm so grateful of anyone who takes the time to do that, but sometimes saying things like 'just stop worrying' are like telling someone with an illness, let's use diabetes as an example, to 'just tell your pancreas to start working properly'. It isn't that simple; if it was don't you think the person has already thought about it? Maybe an improved alternative would be 'how can I help you to stop worrying as much?'. And 'it's all in your head' that's another favourite of mine. Just because it's in your head, that doesn't mean it isn't real.

Oh Winter, I think that sometimes people are so eXtremely naive to believe that they can understand everyone's story withouT walking a milE in their shoes. I guess I'M a victim of trying to do that but in reality not everybody can. And if you can't, that doesn't gIve you any right to belittLe there struggles or judge them because in Your life there will be a time when you appreciate exactly the same.

Sometimes people forget that when you come Winter, you bring time for helping others but I hope that this year, a few more people remember.

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x