Dear Winter,
I'm doing a lot better with this than I thought I would! Nine days and I haven't missed a post yet though a couple have been a little late. I've decided to give myself until the end of the day after to post each letter to allow myself time to read over them and ensure that they are as close to perfect (grammatically) as I can get them!
Today I want to ask you about ambitions Winter. First, I want you to think about what it is you want to do with your life. And then ask yourself if it's what YOU want to do or what someone else wants you to do. Because to succeed in something, YOU have to be committed to it, not your parents, friends, teachers or family.
You are the one who paves your life so work out what you want the overall outcome to be and then plan out how you are going to make that outcome possible. But remember one thing for me Winter, as long as you aren't letting yourself down, you can never let anyone down. Whatever you choose is okay so let no one tell you otherwise. And wanting to be happy is worth far more than being too ambitious or trying to please others.
Oh Winter, I want you to know that it's not selfish to do what you want to do. You need to live your own life and stop letting others live their lives through you, because that's not going to make you happy. Are you making the right steps towards your ambitions today Winter?
Keep smiling,
Kathryn x