Oh Winter, I know we're not all the same person; we have conflicting views and opinions but that doesn't make anyone's opinion wrong. I just wish some people would realise that.
I guess in some ways I'm very lucky. For a long time I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do in my life. And then I was in a position where I was torn between but right now I'm certain of what I want; nothing's going to stop me getting there. Not everyone is happy with my decision but that's exactly what it is. MY decision. And if I change my mind, so be it. You're entitled to your own dreams too.
What isn't acceptable is to try to change people's ambitions. To try to make people have lower ambitions just because yours are lower. Maybe one thing you should learn from this is don't ever tell me to drop out of college to suit what you want me to do for you. Because it's not happening. Trying to change that is only going to make you look silly!
Keep smiling,
Kathryn x