I had way too much time to sit and think about everything and anything today. I was at work and lots of the children I teach didn't turn up so I sat with my book and did a bit of work but when I don't have too much to do my mind goes for a bit of a wander Winter. I was thinking about what I want to do in the future. I mean, I know that I want to be a maths teacher, but what do I really want to do and I realised that there's so much I want to do so I put together a little bucket list which will make an appearance another time.
One thing that I really want to do is learn; I never want to stop learning and I guess that's the reason I want to teach. Because I'll be constantly surrounded by people that I can learn from. It seems silly that you can learn from young children but you really can. Every time I teach I learn something new; about the world or about myself, it's different every time. People often underestimate the power of children Winter, but they shouldn't. Everyone has such a powerful mind and it's just plainly ignorant to believe that you can't learn from someone just because they're younger than you are. I want to take every opportunity to learn something new, wherever the knowledge comes from!
Keep smiling,
Kathryn x