Monday, 22 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 22nd

Dear Winter,

Today was the first day that I could properly just relax. I've been working all weekend but now it's the holidays so I have no commitment to leave my bed. That said, I still woke up at 7am and by eight o'clock I was already bored of doing nothing. In the end I went shopping to get the last bits we needed before Christmas and, if there's one thing to learn from that experience, don't do it again so close to Christmas!

ASDA was packed. I was beginning to feel sorry for sardines! People were trying to rush everywhere yet it was virtually at a standstill and what should have taken less than an hour ended up taking three. It wasn't great for anxiety reasons either; so many people pushing and shoving can start to make you feel a little bit overwhelmed. I then returned home to find a nice little list of chores that needed doing.

Oh Winter, I've come to the conclusion that I can't have a day of rest; it's not in my character at all. Every time I try to sit and relax or do nothing my mind wanders, finds me something to do and sooner or later I end up with five hundred thousand things to do. Tasks seem to follow me around and pat me on the shoulder when they need doing. But is that such a bad thing Winter? It annoys me a little bit but is it just a sign of being well disciplined, or is it being obsessive?

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 21st

Dear Winter,

I had way too much time to sit and think about everything and anything today. I was at work and lots of the children I teach didn't turn up so I sat with my book and did a bit of work but when I don't have too much to do my mind goes for a bit of a wander Winter. I was thinking about what I want to do in the future. I mean, I know that I want to be a maths teacher, but what do I really want to do and I realised that there's so much I want to do so I put together a little bucket list which will make an appearance another time.

One thing that I really want to do is learn; I never want to stop learning and I guess that's the reason I want to teach. Because I'll be constantly surrounded by people that I can learn from. It seems silly that you can learn from young children but you really can. Every time I teach I learn something new; about the world or about myself, it's different every time. People often underestimate the power of children Winter, but they shouldn't. Everyone has such a powerful mind and it's just plainly ignorant to believe that you can't learn from someone just because they're younger than you are. I want to take every opportunity to learn something new, wherever the knowledge comes from! 

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x