Friday, 25 September 2015

My morning thoughts on the high chair

Looking at the title of this post is a bit ambiguous to me so you probably have no idea what to expect right now but maybe that's part of the fun. So by now you might know that I'm a lifeguard and, as much I love it, there are times when staring at an empty pool (yes, we have to watch it when no ones using it) gets a tad boring. So here you have a shortened list of the things I think whilst sat on the lifeguard chair on the early shift...

1. It's 7:30am. People don't come swimming at this time of morning...unless you're a regular. Oh yes, that's Bob, and Harold, and Roy, and...

2. Okay, 7:31. Only 19 minutes until you can rotate. Only 19 minutes. Stay awake Kathryn, you can do it.

3. You've been in work for half an hour. Well done, you've earned £3.50. That's almost enough for a coffee. And you could go out for coffee if it wasn't for the fact that you're in work.

4. Actually, coffee sounds like a good idea right now. Why didn't you boil the kettle before you came on to the pool? If you boil it when you come off the drink will be cold by the time you get to have it.

5. Damn, I need a wee. How come I didn't need it two minutes ago? 

6. Aaaannnd I'm surrounded by water. Marvellous.

7. Only another 7/8/14 hours until your shift over. You'll be alright. It'll fly by.

8. I have wet feet. Why did I jet wash before the pool opened? And why didn't I change shoes? Now they're gonna be wet all day. 

9. Don't look at the clock Kathryn, 7:50 will come quicker if you don't.

10. It's 7:32am.

Hope that humoured you and if you're interested in a sequel, let me know down below 😊 I'm also a swimming teacher, receptionist and gym instructor so I suppose any of those could make an interesting rant!

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

A little disclaimer: I really do enjoy my job.  This shows an extreme and is just for the purpose of your enjoyment. A lot of people consider my job as 'easy money' and 'just watching water' but it's really not. We have to have to deal with some big emergencies and a lot of the time we spend 2/3 of our day cleaning. 

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Paper Towns: film review

After reading all of his books and becoming a little obsessed, a friend of mine and I promised we'd see every one of John Green's films together. And, true to that promise, we had our last catch-up before she left for uni at the cinema watching 'Paper Towns'. 

I had been eager to see this for a while, all of the pre-release material and trailers had me gripped and I could only hope that the film would live up to my (exceedingly high) expectations. And it did; there is absolutely no doubt about it. 

I don't want to do major give-always or spoilers so what I am going to tell you is this... 
I was hugely impressed by the selection of actors, I have to admit I had doubts about Cara Delevingne but she probably was the most impressive of them all. Tbe way the characters were portrayed was just how I'd imagined from the novel and the storyline was obviously gripping if not a little fast paced. It ended perfectly, just like the novel with a sad but necessary ending that left the two characters too far apart, yet just close enough.

My only criticism is that some parts of the book were missed out. I know that this is important to shorten the film down, however, the film was not as long as others I've seen so extra little bits should have been manageable. I have vivid memories from certain parts of the book that just seem to have been forgotten about. And, considering I read the book over 12 months ago, they must have been very engaging parts for me to still remember them. 

Either way, it was a fantastic evening, a wonderful film and another fantastic film based on the works of John Green. I would definitely advise you to see it before it leaves the cinema. If any of you have seen it, what did you think? 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x