A while ago, I wrote a blog post called ‘Things that make me
happy’ and I really enjoyed sitting down and thinking about exactly that. But
the list I wrote then wasn’t exhaustive and I thought it would be nice to
extend that list and write a part 2, because it’s important to think about the things you really enjoy doing yourself and making time to include these in your busy scheduele.
Cute coffee dates with friends Personal achievements
New challenges
Travelling Long days
Blue and yellow (Prize for anyone that guesses the
reason for this correctly down below)
Skyping long-distance friends Making other people happy
Late night herbal tea chats
A handwritten letter Scrapbooking
I’m pretty sure there’ll be a follow up to this post at some
point, but in the meantime, I’d love to hear what’s on your list.
Keep smiling,
-Kathryn x