Sunday, 28 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 28th

Dear Winter,

I rarely go out so don't be getting the impression that I'm some sort of party animal Winter but I had another work Christmas party today. I was quite excited which is unlike me but it didn't really go to plan...

Something I wasn't to excited for was the food, I really am not a fan of Chinese food at all. Even the plain things like rice so I ended up eating bananas and custard! But after about an hour and a half I ended up with a really awful migraine, caused by flashing icicles opposite me. 

Now I suffer from 'chronic migraines' so I can usually deal with them quite well but this was different. After the meal I was looking forward to a couple of drinks around different pubs and just having a good time. Possibly more importantly, everyone else wanted me to go and I don't like not being able to please people. But I think I did the right thing. 

Sometimes Winter, you have to put yourself first. It's important to take care of yourself. And what I had to do was go home, take a few Migralieve (which make minimal difference), sit in a dark room and have a drink of something pretty warm and sugary. I was still the same for 28 hours (78 is the record) but if I hadn't left early, if I'd stayed to please everyone else and not looked after myself, it would have been longer. Sometimes you have to do what if right Winter, even if it seems selfish.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 27th

Dear Winter,

Back to work today and it was honestly quite enjoyable. The pool was practically empty all day and it actually gave me a bit of time to relax. With a flask of green tea. Staring at an empty pool. Either way I love it really! In my breaks I got a little bit of time to catch up on some college work that if been slacking with quite recently. 

I guess I'm quite lucky Winter; an enjoyable, well-paid and not too chaotic job. I don't have to work too many unsociable hours and even get paid extra for the odd ones that I do. But the fact that I'm working is scary Winter. I've been working for over 12 months now and it's only just hit me that it's showing I really am growing up scarily quickly. 

I have to do grown up things like check payslips are accurate, fill in time sheets and have long phone conversations with the tax office, HR and occupational health. All of these are things that you don't learn how to do in school or college. Maybe our education system does need to think about these things. It's all well and good teaching us about interview skills to get a job but that's only the first step. Once you have that job there are 1000 new things you need to do that you have no clue about Winter. But that's all a big adventure isn't it?

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x