Showing posts with label tired. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tired. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 May 2016


I'm afraid that there's not going to be any prizes for guessing the content of this post. It's going to be a little apology...

I've done that thing again. That one where I agree to a little bit too much, and I don't quite have enough time to do it all, and then the stress of exams just gets on top of me a little bit. So here I am, still working, with an exec report to write and revision to do at gone-midnight knowing that I have to be up by 6am to coach a rowing outing. Which is all fine, because things always work out the way that they're meant to in the end. But for now, I do have to be a lot more careful and aware of my time.

I'm still here to reply to comments, and I'm still working on a lot of content but that content is going to take a little while to appear because exams are only temporary but they have a lasting effect and that's where I need to focus all of my energy right now. In other news, I have a super exciting summer planned and can't wait to be free from all of this stress to share it all with you!

I hope you're all well and understand why I'm not here right now. I am sorry. I will definitely be back soon and in the meantime...

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x