Showing posts with label exams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exams. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 May 2016

I'm a free elf

I had my last exam of first year yesterday and that in itself is absolutely terrifying. I'm a third/quarter of the way through my degree depending on which course I pick and the year has absolutely flown by. It's been the best year of my life to date and a pretty big adventure.

I've spent the last few weeks pretty isolated in a horrible little bubble of stress, panic and revision but the end of exams puts an end to this too! I feel like a house elf who's just been given a sock - I'm a free elf! The term isn't over for another 4 weeks and I've got some very exciting stuff planned. Basically I get bored of things like Netflix way too easily and wanted to keep myself very busy. So keep a look out for more blog posts, and other exciting things coming your way shortly.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Image result for dobby is a free elf gif

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Liebster award

I didn't really think that a blog award was something I'd ever be nominated for but guess what, it happened!! 
Firstly, I'm going to thank the lovely Megan ( for nominating me! We both started blogging at almost exactly the same time and we've been reading each others blogs from the start. She really is brilliant and I think you should all go and check her out!
Now for the questions...
1. What's the inspiration behind the name of your blog?
I've always enjoyed writing, but not being told what to write so I'd spent a lot of time thinking about starting a log. One day I was sat down thinking 'Imagine how great it would be to have a space of my own to just write. Imagine that Kathryn. ImagineKathryn. BINGO!' And I never looked back.

2. If you could be one of the Seven Dwarfs, which one would you be and why?

Happy because how fab would it be to be happy all of the time, or Dopey because I have my dopey moments. Fun fact, did you know that all of the dwarfs have the same eyebrows except for Happy

3. Twitter or Instagram?
Instagram, always. I've never been a fan of Twitter but got it recently purely for JCR banter at university and, for me, that is it's only use.

4. Who is your favourite music artist/band?
I have such a varied taste in music and it makes this really difficult to answer, but right now I'm really enjoying TwentyOnePilots

5. Describe yourself using only 3 words
Altruistic, organised and good-crazy

6. If you could have a dinner party with three celebrity guests (dead or alive) who would you choose?
The Mad-Hatter, and if that couldn't be done, Johnny Depp. Elizabeth Blackwell, she was the first female doctor and Marie Curie

7. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Everyone knows I love travelling, everywhere and anywhere but somewhere I've not been before. I'd be very keen to visit Australia, New Zealand or to tour Asia. America would definitely have been top of the list until we booked our summer holiday

8. What is your favourite film?
It varies from time to time but right now I'd have to choose Lilo and Stitch. It's definitely my favourite for revision procrastination

9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Golly, I'll be 29. I'll (hopefully) have a degree, will probably have seen a lot more of the world through travelling, I'll definitely have a job and hopefully it will be one I enjoy. It's scary

10. Name three of your favourite blogs to read
My favourite Nutmeg
Amelia and Grace
Carrie Hope Fletcher

Hope you've learned some new things about me!

Questions for my Nominees
1. Talk about the moment you decided to create a blog. Why did you decide to do it?
2. Quiet night in with a few friends or loud night out with lots of friends?
3. What is your favourite Disney film?
4. Do you have a place that brings back childhood memories?
5. What are you looking forward to most about summer?
6. What is the most challenging thing that you've ever done?
7. What was your first job and did you enjoy it?
8. You've got one day of freedom. No costs for travelling. Where would you go, with who and what would you do?
9. Would you ever start a YouTube channel
10. What is your favourite sport

The Rules:
Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
(Copy and paste the Liebster Award badge to your post)
-Nominate up to 10 new bloggers
-Answer the 10 questions the person who nominated you asked you
-Notify the bloggers you have nominated by leaving them a comment on their blog
-Create 10 new questions to ask the bloggers you nominate…

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Sunday, 1 May 2016


I'm afraid that there's not going to be any prizes for guessing the content of this post. It's going to be a little apology...

I've done that thing again. That one where I agree to a little bit too much, and I don't quite have enough time to do it all, and then the stress of exams just gets on top of me a little bit. So here I am, still working, with an exec report to write and revision to do at gone-midnight knowing that I have to be up by 6am to coach a rowing outing. Which is all fine, because things always work out the way that they're meant to in the end. But for now, I do have to be a lot more careful and aware of my time.

I'm still here to reply to comments, and I'm still working on a lot of content but that content is going to take a little while to appear because exams are only temporary but they have a lasting effect and that's where I need to focus all of my energy right now. In other news, I have a super exciting summer planned and can't wait to be free from all of this stress to share it all with you!

I hope you're all well and understand why I'm not here right now. I am sorry. I will definitely be back soon and in the meantime...

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Results madness

I returned home from a family Egypt very late Wednesday evening and by the time I got home it was the early hours of Thursday morning. Results day. I was shaking and worried, convinced I had failed everything, and scared about my future. And when I tried to sleep, my head filled up with thoughts of failure and panic. I probably got an hours sleep that night in fifteen minute bursts. 

The results were supposed to go online at six am so when there was nothing to be seen at this time my anxiety levels rose again. It was at half past seven that I looked on UCAS track and found out what my future would hold... 

I had been accepted to my firm choice!! I was so excited and still am! In the end I had to head up to school at 8am for my actual results which were as follows: A* in maths, A in further maths, B in biology, B in Chemistry and an A* in my EPQ. After such a difficult year for me in so many ways, I finally felt as though my work had paid off. But I was a little bit confused. My firm choice wanted A*AA and I only got A*AB. I hadn't made the grades but I still got accepted. I'm not complaining though. It feels like a second chance and now I genuinely do believe that if you work hard and always try your best, you will get what you want in the end.

My message to you is that whatever happens, it's for the best. Everything turns out well in the end and the day may not go as planned but that's just a hurdle. A stepping stone to the next adventure in your life. You can still shape your future however you want it to shape, you might just have to follow a different path for a little while.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Happy Sad Tears

I finished my exams yesterday. The final one was Decision 2 (a maths module) and I'm quite pleased with how it went but we'll have to wait and see what happens on August 13th.

When I walked out of the exam I felt a huge wave of relief rush over me; everything I'd worked so hard for over the past couple of years had finally ended. But only for a few moments before I felt kind of sad and melancholic.

My college is a sixth form at the secondary school I went to so I've spent the best part of seven years with the same people, in the same buildings and with the same teachers. And, over the past 6-12 months especially, the place has become more of a second home to me. Maybe even a first home. And the people, they became a second family. So I think it's only expected that the thought of leaving is a little bit sad. It's the close of the biggest chapter of my life.

I know that it's not really over, because I'm still going back as work experience and because I'll stay in touch with everyone who is important to me but for now I am still a little bit sad and I think that's acceptable.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

P.S I'd quite like to know your answers to this: Have any of you ever felt similar to this or had similar experiences?

Monday, 22 June 2015

Where have you been?

So it seems that I haven't been around all that much, if at all, for the past couple of months. I'm sure you'll all appreciate that I am just coming the the end of year 13 so have had a lot on my plate juggling exams and the baggage that they bring along, my swimming training, keeping up a job to fund university accommodation fees for next year, and trying my hardest to remain somewhat close to sane. And out of all of those things I think that latter has been and still is the hardest (but that'll be a post for another day I think). I haven't yet finished my exams; I have one more on Wednesday morning but I'm taking a quick break from revision to write this because I've had an exam this morning and any more thinking might just turn my brain to mush. 

Whilst I've been away, I have still been working on ideas for blog posts, as well as various other creativities. I guess it is a shame but I haven't really been in the mindset to let these ideas take shape. A few of you may know that I'm a fan of metaphors so lets call these ideas seeds. Seeds that grow into the trees or plants for your favourite fruit. Now these seeds have been planted and every time a little shoot develops a naughty little fox comes along and eats the top all because I have been so focused on other things that I haven't been protecting the shoots. But these seeds are strong, determined little things and they keep pushing. And, perhaps more importantly, very soon I'm going to have time to protect these little shoots. 

So I hope you appreciate that I haven't just abandoned my blog, I've just had way too much on and for a while had to work out which things in my life were the most important, and which I could put on hold for a while. But be assured, I'm back now. And back with regular(ish) posts as well as hopefully a few new surprises coming up over the coming months.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Friday, 10 October 2014

Education: the right way?

The eduction cycle: school, college, university then a good job. It's that simple isn't it? Well, for me it is the right route. In fact, it's most probably the only sensible route into my chosen career. However, this is not the 'right way'. There is no right way when it comes to education and everyone's path is different.

Recently I've been thinking about what I could be doing if I wasn't in college and I know that there's nothing I want to be doing more but, for some people, it doesn't suit their personality. There are so many options nowadays that there is something for everyone and there is no excuse for someone to be forced into something that they don't want to do. Many of my friends who have chosen routes different to mine were unsure when following their dreams because they thought other people would think less of them for choosing a less conventional option. But what gives anyone the right to judge you for following your dreams? Why shouldn't you be able to do a degree in English, Geography or Sport science? Do an apprenticeship or drop out of college to get a job? If you are taking the next step that is right for you, where is the problem?

I guess what I'm trying to do is spread the message that as long as YOU are happy with what you're doing, why shouldn't anyone else be? Why should you have to do something to fit in with convention or to satisfy someone else? I've spent a long time trying to please other people but know now that it's me who has to live my life, and I should do it the way that I want to! So next time you feel like you're not going the right way just because it's not the most common, take a moment to think twice!

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Monday, 23 June 2014


In my last post I didn't really get a chance to introduce myself so I thought that would be a good place to start. In exchange, I'd like to hear all about some of you! You can do this by commenting, posting a link to your blog or any other way you see fit.

I'm Kathryn! Just your average 17-year old girl from England. Currently I'm at college studying for my A-levels and, to be honest, I'm not quite sure what I'll do afterwards. I mean, I've got some ideas but they never seem to satisfy everyone's hopes and dreams.

In my spare time I like to do quite a lot of different things so if you get bored easily I'd skip this paragraph! I love to swim; both competing myself and coaching/teaching others. Basically, I just enjoy everything about being near the pool and the feeling of freedom it gives. And I do hear what you're thinking: 'what about all of those crazy early morning sessions?' But you don't mind when it's something you love, honest.

Also, I thoroughly enjoy reading (the best form of escapism!) and writing. Not usually anything in particular so I'm always open to new suggestions. In fact, I've almost finished reading Looking for Alaska (which I would definitely recommend ) so be expecting a review soon! I also love listening to music but my taste in music is often considered to be 'odd' or 'a little strange' to other people.

I have other hobbies too but I'll get around to them at a later date. I look forward to hearing from some of you!

Keep smiling, 

Kathryn x

Sunday, 22 June 2014

New starts

So, a blog? Well this is something new for me! A brand new, fun and exciting adventure that I'll hopefully be able to share with all of you. 

It's important to try new things every once in a while and that is something I know all too well. However, I'm usually a person who struggles to embrace and new starts, thinking too much over things that have been and gone which I have no control over. In fact, for various reasons, I've kind of become more of a creature of habit which is something that I see as one of my biggest weaknesses. Thinking about this made me wonder how I can challenge myself to try new things, hopefully without worrying or panicking too much, and still have fun (because I appreciate that some new things genuinely are certifying and far from fun). So imaginekathryn was born...

I've always loved writing but never the sort where you are told what too write and when to write it. (1000 word essay on themes in An Inspector Calls anyone?) I decided that starting this blog will help me to continue this enjoyment with the freedom of choice; I can include absolutely whatever I like!

Last Wednesday I had my final AS level exam and though this would be a brilliant time to start - with the whole summer ahead of me. Over the next few weeks I have quite a lot of exciting things going on and I hope that you guys don't mind me sharing them with you! And more than anything I'd just like this to be a positive place to help make your lives happier at the dullest and darkest of times (as well as all of the happy ones!)

Keep smiling,
