Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Friday, 24 October 2014


It's getting to that time of the year when I have to admit that things aren't going to be the same for ever. The bright summer days are all drawing to a close and, although we are still getting some beautiful sunsets, they're fewer and far between. All of the juicy green leaves on the trees have turned to a shade of golden brown. They've fallen to the ground and that's only a metaphor for everything that's going on around...

Times are changing, people are changing and it's scary. It's scary that what felt so strong has now been and gone. It's scary that people you were once so close to are now more distant that ever. But it's only when things are gone that you appreciate what you had and autumn makes me realise this. Understandably, things won't remain the same for ever; good things fall apart so that better things can fall together. 

And sometimes when you look outside on a crisp autumnal morning, you look straight through the blustery streets and past the fallen leaves to realise that there are some trees that still have those juicy green leaves. Those leaves will never change and likewise, some people in your life will never leave. Some things will always be a part of you. I've come to realise that I should be extremely thankful for the comfort of that thought.

It can be to remember that when good things are leaving your life, they're only making way for better things to enter. And YOU still have control. It's okay to want to hold on to the past but you'll always have the memories so it's okay to move on too!

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Sunday, 22 June 2014

New starts

So, a blog? Well this is something new for me! A brand new, fun and exciting adventure that I'll hopefully be able to share with all of you. 

It's important to try new things every once in a while and that is something I know all too well. However, I'm usually a person who struggles to embrace and new starts, thinking too much over things that have been and gone which I have no control over. In fact, for various reasons, I've kind of become more of a creature of habit which is something that I see as one of my biggest weaknesses. Thinking about this made me wonder how I can challenge myself to try new things, hopefully without worrying or panicking too much, and still have fun (because I appreciate that some new things genuinely are certifying and far from fun). So imaginekathryn was born...

I've always loved writing but never the sort where you are told what too write and when to write it. (1000 word essay on themes in An Inspector Calls anyone?) I decided that starting this blog will help me to continue this enjoyment with the freedom of choice; I can include absolutely whatever I like!

Last Wednesday I had my final AS level exam and though this would be a brilliant time to start - with the whole summer ahead of me. Over the next few weeks I have quite a lot of exciting things going on and I hope that you guys don't mind me sharing them with you! And more than anything I'd just like this to be a positive place to help make your lives happier at the dullest and darkest of times (as well as all of the happy ones!)

Keep smiling,
