Showing posts with label tokillamockingbird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tokillamockingbird. Show all posts

Monday, 6 October 2014

Why I do bother!

Recently, a few things have happened to me that have had me asking the same thing repeatedly: 'Why do I bother?' And I just thought it would be a good idea to write about it; to give you advice and to help me when I find I'm thinking like this in the future.  

Okay so this has happened a few times to me...
I always (and I mean always) try to be super nice to other people. I guess I just like to think I'm either improving someone's day or keeping the world a happy place. However, more than once, I've tried my hardest to include people that otherwise would have been completely ignored by everyone, just to have it thrown back in my face! After trying particularly hard with one person it really annoyed me to find out that they'd started spreading lies about me behind my back. 

Now, what makes it worse is that this person doesn't know me but, most of all, it is NEVER right to do this. To make someone feel awful is wrong. To spread lies about someone you barely know, someone who tried their hardest to make you feel included and help you out doesn't really encourage them to do it again, does it? 

After I'd heard the things that'd been said I was quite upset but, not only that, I'd lost all confidence in myself. I started to worry and panic then wondered how I should treat her next time I see her. But then I realised something. It's not in my character to treat her any differently. I would feel even worse if I started to treat her differently.

There could be any number of reasons for her saying the things she did. None of those things make her actions justifiable but they could make them slightly more understandable and I guess it's better to forgive but not forget than to let on to her.

Some wise words from Atticus Finch 'Before I can live with other people, I have to live with myself' helped me to learn that I should concern myself with my own actions before I bother about anyone else's!

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x