Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Tourist tales: Helsinki

I get to do a part two! Isn't this great?

After our expedition, we left the campsite at around 10am on a coach that took us on the four hour journey back to the capital of Finland, Helsinki. Now four hours might seem a long time but it flew by so quickly in a blur of reading, music and taking in the scenery of a new country. We arrived at the Eurohostel in Helsinki at around 2pm, dumped our bags and, although very tired, couldn't wait to explore the city. 

The first thing we did was the bit that I was most excited for; the markets! I love to see markets in foreign countries as they are all so varied and different and these were no exception! I picked up a couple of souvenirs including a beautiful fridge magnet for at home. And, since we hadn't eaten since breakfast, I treated myself to some of the most delicious, melt-in-your-mouth, homemade vanilla fudge that I managed to make last a grand total of two minutes! Then we found the crepe stall where I bought a banana and Nutella one (healthy diet me 😉) but I couldn't quite finish it. 

The afternoon was spent wandering, sort of aimlessly, around shops and exploring the area. Whilst we were there, a huge gymnastics competition was going on in Helsinki and it was lovely to see the teams each in their own brightly coloured kits. Later on we found a lovely cathedral which was holding a wedding. As the wedding bells rang members of the public ran to create two lines from the cathedral to the wedding car for the couple to walk through and if was all just so lovely. It filled me with so much warmth.

We then found our way to the Hard Rock Cafe where we had a relaxed drink and I called my sister to wish her a happy birthday. By this point it was time for a meal. A large group of us met up at the Pizza Hut for dinner and it was sort of nice to be eating from a table and plates again as opposed to sitting on the ground with food bags. Strangely enough, you can grow to miss both options equally.

At around 9pm we returned to the Catedral for group expedition photos (it doesn't really go dark so it was always light enough for photos!)
(Group 1 - the best group!) 

We had a few races up the hundred steps to the cathedral and then headed off out to a bar for a couple of drinks but then I headed back to the hostel as a friend wasn't feeling too well. It was around 11pm and, after a relatively sleepless week, I was exhausted and wanted to make the most of our final day. So, no sooner than my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.

On our final day I woke at six, enjoyed the complimentary sauna, showered and changed. I then went down for breakfast with the leaders as everyone else was still in bed hungover. And I just don't see the point of wasting a day in a new place. I went on a boat trip across to islands and enjoyed the opportunity to practice my nature photography. 

I returned to the hostel and still only one person was out of bed. I found the money I'd collected for our leader and left to buy him a present from us all with Emma. We found a canoeing top which we decorated and all signed on the plane home amongst other things. After a little supermarket run in the pouring rain, we were done and awaiting our coach for the journey home. 

The journey was relatively uneventful. I was a little bit panicky then travel sick on the coach back home but still managed to enjoy a delicious vanilla tea from Starbucks at the service station. It was such a lovely trip and I can't wait for another in the near future!

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Results madness

I returned home from a family Egypt very late Wednesday evening and by the time I got home it was the early hours of Thursday morning. Results day. I was shaking and worried, convinced I had failed everything, and scared about my future. And when I tried to sleep, my head filled up with thoughts of failure and panic. I probably got an hours sleep that night in fifteen minute bursts. 

The results were supposed to go online at six am so when there was nothing to be seen at this time my anxiety levels rose again. It was at half past seven that I looked on UCAS track and found out what my future would hold... 

I had been accepted to my firm choice!! I was so excited and still am! In the end I had to head up to school at 8am for my actual results which were as follows: A* in maths, A in further maths, B in biology, B in Chemistry and an A* in my EPQ. After such a difficult year for me in so many ways, I finally felt as though my work had paid off. But I was a little bit confused. My firm choice wanted A*AA and I only got A*AB. I hadn't made the grades but I still got accepted. I'm not complaining though. It feels like a second chance and now I genuinely do believe that if you work hard and always try your best, you will get what you want in the end.

My message to you is that whatever happens, it's for the best. Everything turns out well in the end and the day may not go as planned but that's just a hurdle. A stepping stone to the next adventure in your life. You can still shape your future however you want it to shape, you might just have to follow a different path for a little while.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Thursday, 6 August 2015

The Disney tag


I've been tagged by my best friend Megan ( to do the Disney tag and honestly I'm really, really excited to do it! So here goes...

1. A scene in any Disney movie you wish you could experience. 
Okay, I'm going to explain this one really badly but you know the part in the first Lilo and Stitch when they're both in the bedroom and Lilo explains about her parents and she tells Stitch that he can go if he wants to just like everyone else but she won't forget him. 

  2. An unforgettable experience moment you've had at the Parks.
Unfortunately I've never been to one of the Disney parks. Gasp. I know. It's not right, is it? But my parents just have never been anywhere near as Disney obsessed as I am.

          3. Which Disney Character can you relate too the most? 
Ooooh, a very tricky one. It's really hard because I feel like I can relate to different parts of different characters but I'm going to have to settle on, Pocahontas. Go with Pocahontas before I change my mind. 

4. When was the first time you went to a Disney Park?
See question two. The first time I was supposed to visit a Disney park was this summer but I wasn't allowed. Instead, I hope to visit one next year with a couple of friends.

5. If you could choose any of the characters to be your best friend who would you choose?
Mushu. I've always said that if I get a dog I'd call it Mushu. And a dog is a mans best friend. See my logic? Because I don't.

6. Who are you favorite Disney Princesses? 
Okay, there are so many I could list here but I'm going to try and restrict myself to just two. Firstly, Mulan because she's one of the first female characters I saw to show such strength, courage and determination. And secondly, Ariel because we share the same love/hate relationship with water! 

7. Name a scene/moment in any Disney movie that never fails to make your cry.
Same scene from the first question, lazy answer Kathryn. But it is true. 

8. What is the first Disney Movie you remember seeing?

The first Disney movie I can remember seeing is either Bambi or Alice in Wonderland and to this day they are two of my favourites. 

9. What is your favourite Disney Movie?
So many favourites...I can't possibly choose. Can I do a shortlist but in no particular order? Actually, of course I can - it's my blog!!

1) The Little Mermaid. No explanation needed for this one I don't think. 
2) Lilo and Stitch. The messages in this one are put across so well and I believe you can't fully appreciate the magic of the film until you're a little bit older
3) Mulan. The story behind this one is just fantastic. 
4) Pocahontas. The one with the best soundtrack, definitely 

10. What is your favourite Disney song?

I think the fact that I have an eight-hour playlist on my iPod dedicated to my favourite Disney songs should show you how difficult this is for me so just a few. Circle of Life from The Lion King. Part of Your World and Kiss the Girl from The Little Mermaid (I can remember dancing to both of these on the theatre when I was really little). Steady as the beating drum from Pocahontas but I'm not sure if that one can count. I was just about to finish then but there's more. Two worlds, Strangers Like Me, You'll be in my Heart all from Tarzan. No Way Out from Brother and the Bear. God Help the Outcasts. And the list continues...

11. What is your favourite Disney Duet?
A Whole New World because it was the first thing my Grandad taught me on the piano when I was six. And I don't think he's taught me anything since.

12. What is your Favorite attraction/ride at the parks?
Now you're just trying to torment me, right?

13. Who's the park character you never want to miss meeting at the parks?
Arghhh, the torment. But I imagine it would be Stitch, Mulan or Ariel

14. Favourite Disney sequel movie?
Lilo and Stitch II. Just because Stitch. And awwwhhh. And the music. Well my English skills have gone down the pan.

15. Favourite Disney couple?
Surely I have to say Minnie and Mickey Mouse. Where would any of us be without those two? 

16. Favourite Disney merchandise?
Either the Finding Nemo lanyard that I wear for work or my Disney Mug collection. You'll see that one day, I promise.

17. Favourite Disney Price?
Prince Adam because he's underrated as a prince and always seems to have good intentions really. This reminds me, I've missed a song from ten. No going back now though. 

18. If you could live in any world from a Disney movie, which would you choose?
This is a tricky one but I think I'd like to live in Neverland so that I never have to grow up.

19. Character that you think is very under-rated?
I have two again, sorry. Nani from LILO and Stitch and Blue Fairy from Pinnochio

20. Which Disney movie will always have a special place in your heart and for what reason?
Bambi. For all of the weak ankle, D of E jokes and for being one of tei that never fail to cheer me up when I have a bad day. 

That has been so much fun! Thanks for tagging me Meg! I tag anyone else who wants to do this tag. So leave me a link below if you do it. And if not, post your answer to just one of the questions.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x