Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Thursday 31 December 2015

New Year's resolutions

December the 31st has found its way back around far too quickly. And what does New Year mean? Resolutions. 
As a general rule, I don't particularly agree with New Years resolutions. Wait, not like that! It's a great idea to try to better yourself and set goals to achieve. It keeps you moving forward and striving for a better version of you. However, I believe that this is something that you can do all of the time - definitely not just on January 1st! 

Nevertheless, I am going to share with you some of my goals and aims for the following twelve months and I'm sure you'll hear of new ones from me through the year too...

Spend more time outdoors
I love being outdoors, I love the sense of freedom, the beauty of nature. But rarely do I make time to enjoy it

Send more messages
I'm the first person to admit that I suck at replying to texts, to messages on Facebook and whatsapp, but I've learnt that's rubbish and it's good to stay in regular contact with people when you're living away 

Do more of what I enjoy
Life's too short; and those small things, they're not really all that small

Stress less
There are things you can't control, so where's the sense in worrying about them? 

Smile more
Because whatever it is that's making me not want to smile is definitely not going to last forever

Hope you all have a happy new year! And I'd love to hear your views in the comments...What are your views on New Year's Resolutions? Have you stuck to any from last year? Have you set any this year? And are any similar to mine? 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn X

Tuesday 8 December 2015

When in doubt, get it out

Trapped in a world where everyone is thinking three months ahead of where they are today, never fully appreciating the moment that they're living in right now, I'm sat here. And I know exactly where I am. But at the same time, I'm lost. And from time to time, that gets a little bit overwhelming.

What I've realised just this past week is that you can't keep all of your feelings trapped inside your head because it will just get on top of you. And then you'll explode. 

It really can be hard to find the correct balance of doing things for other peopl and doing things for yourself. But it's really important to be aware of yourself and what you need. Sometimes you just an afternoon away from it all, doing something you enjoy or doing nothing at all, to bring you back. And then you're 100% refreshed and ready to help everyone else again! So find your escape and learn when you need it.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x