Sunday, 19 October 2014

Only human

Something that I know I often do is push myself too hard; I expect myself to do things that I can't or don't have time for then get annoyed at myself when I make a mistake, don't get something done on time or don't get it done perfectly. And I think this may be something that you'll be able to identify with.

As human nature goes, we have a huge tendency to expect too much of ourselves and just be too hard on ourselves. This ends up wearing us out and breaking ourselves down. We agree to things in a desperate effort to please other people but at the end of the day, there's no way that you can ever please EVERYONE. There will always be someone who wanted you to be better, faster, smarter, stronger or more sociable. But you are you and your characteristics make that true! You're flaws, mistakes and the way you deal with them make you unique and perfect and don't let anyone every change them! 

The reason I'm writing this is to say that sometimes you need to accept that saying no to something is okay. If you don't have the relevant skills to do something or the time to do it well (or just need a break) that's okay. If you explain yourself absolutely no one can blame you for taking care of yourself every once in a while. If you're struggling with something it's okay to take a while to consider your options and work out what's best for you; don't feel like something's wrong because you can't figure out what you want right now. And you don't need to be hard on yourself for making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes after all, we're only human! 

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x 

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Booktober: week 2

This week I've been extremely busy and had so little time to relax or do anything that I really wanted to so I had every excuse not to read a full book this week. But I was not letting that stop me! You have to make time for the small things because sometimes they become the big, important things!

I was in work today on a break and decided that I'd read this week's book: Dead Time by Anne Cassidy. Cassidy is an author that I used to absolutely adore! Her stories have an enjoyable element of mystery and usually a very unpredictable ending which is what I love most. And I thought I'd read all of her books but was thrilled to find she'd relatively recently published a new series called The Murder Notebooks. Obviously I had to get hold of a copy of the first one as soon as possible! 

This book tells the story of not-quite step-siblings Rose and Josh who end up separated after their parents mysteriously go missing. The police insist that it was most likely murder but then close the case and the children are not convinced! They take matters into their own hands to try and discover the truth about what happened that night.

Dead Time was a fantastic read; definitely not a let down. I loved the way that different parts of the story were linked together and the way that mystery and suspense was created. This would definitely be a recommendation to others! 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x