Monday 23 June 2014


In my last post I didn't really get a chance to introduce myself so I thought that would be a good place to start. In exchange, I'd like to hear all about some of you! You can do this by commenting, posting a link to your blog or any other way you see fit.

I'm Kathryn! Just your average 17-year old girl from England. Currently I'm at college studying for my A-levels and, to be honest, I'm not quite sure what I'll do afterwards. I mean, I've got some ideas but they never seem to satisfy everyone's hopes and dreams.

In my spare time I like to do quite a lot of different things so if you get bored easily I'd skip this paragraph! I love to swim; both competing myself and coaching/teaching others. Basically, I just enjoy everything about being near the pool and the feeling of freedom it gives. And I do hear what you're thinking: 'what about all of those crazy early morning sessions?' But you don't mind when it's something you love, honest.

Also, I thoroughly enjoy reading (the best form of escapism!) and writing. Not usually anything in particular so I'm always open to new suggestions. In fact, I've almost finished reading Looking for Alaska (which I would definitely recommend ) so be expecting a review soon! I also love listening to music but my taste in music is often considered to be 'odd' or 'a little strange' to other people.

I have other hobbies too but I'll get around to them at a later date. I look forward to hearing from some of you!

Keep smiling, 

Kathryn x

Sunday 22 June 2014

New starts

So, a blog? Well this is something new for me! A brand new, fun and exciting adventure that I'll hopefully be able to share with all of you. 

It's important to try new things every once in a while and that is something I know all too well. However, I'm usually a person who struggles to embrace and new starts, thinking too much over things that have been and gone which I have no control over. In fact, for various reasons, I've kind of become more of a creature of habit which is something that I see as one of my biggest weaknesses. Thinking about this made me wonder how I can challenge myself to try new things, hopefully without worrying or panicking too much, and still have fun (because I appreciate that some new things genuinely are certifying and far from fun). So imaginekathryn was born...

I've always loved writing but never the sort where you are told what too write and when to write it. (1000 word essay on themes in An Inspector Calls anyone?) I decided that starting this blog will help me to continue this enjoyment with the freedom of choice; I can include absolutely whatever I like!

Last Wednesday I had my final AS level exam and though this would be a brilliant time to start - with the whole summer ahead of me. Over the next few weeks I have quite a lot of exciting things going on and I hope that you guys don't mind me sharing them with you! And more than anything I'd just like this to be a positive place to help make your lives happier at the dullest and darkest of times (as well as all of the happy ones!)

Keep smiling,
