Monday 30 May 2016

My May Playlist

I thought I'd share with you a little of what I've been listening to this month because I always enjoy my music but often have quite a diverse taste might be able to introduce you to a little bit of music that you're not necessarily already familiar with. Enjoy!

Tom Rosenthal - Middle of My Mind

Billie Marten - Bird

twenty one pilots - Migraine

Tracy Chapman-Baby Can I Hold You

Ruth B - Lost Boy

Defying Gravity - WICKED the Musical 

Here Comes The Sun - Dodie Clark cover

Shake It Out (Acoustic) - Florence and The Machine 

SafetySuit - Looking Up

First Aid Kit - Stay Gold

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Saturday 28 May 2016

I'm a free elf

I had my last exam of first year yesterday and that in itself is absolutely terrifying. I'm a third/quarter of the way through my degree depending on which course I pick and the year has absolutely flown by. It's been the best year of my life to date and a pretty big adventure.

I've spent the last few weeks pretty isolated in a horrible little bubble of stress, panic and revision but the end of exams puts an end to this too! I feel like a house elf who's just been given a sock - I'm a free elf! The term isn't over for another 4 weeks and I've got some very exciting stuff planned. Basically I get bored of things like Netflix way too easily and wanted to keep myself very busy. So keep a look out for more blog posts, and other exciting things coming your way shortly.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Image result for dobby is a free elf gif

Saturday 21 May 2016

Liebster award

I didn't really think that a blog award was something I'd ever be nominated for but guess what, it happened!! 
Firstly, I'm going to thank the lovely Megan ( for nominating me! We both started blogging at almost exactly the same time and we've been reading each others blogs from the start. She really is brilliant and I think you should all go and check her out!
Now for the questions...
1. What's the inspiration behind the name of your blog?
I've always enjoyed writing, but not being told what to write so I'd spent a lot of time thinking about starting a log. One day I was sat down thinking 'Imagine how great it would be to have a space of my own to just write. Imagine that Kathryn. ImagineKathryn. BINGO!' And I never looked back.

2. If you could be one of the Seven Dwarfs, which one would you be and why?

Happy because how fab would it be to be happy all of the time, or Dopey because I have my dopey moments. Fun fact, did you know that all of the dwarfs have the same eyebrows except for Happy

3. Twitter or Instagram?
Instagram, always. I've never been a fan of Twitter but got it recently purely for JCR banter at university and, for me, that is it's only use.

4. Who is your favourite music artist/band?
I have such a varied taste in music and it makes this really difficult to answer, but right now I'm really enjoying TwentyOnePilots

5. Describe yourself using only 3 words
Altruistic, organised and good-crazy

6. If you could have a dinner party with three celebrity guests (dead or alive) who would you choose?
The Mad-Hatter, and if that couldn't be done, Johnny Depp. Elizabeth Blackwell, she was the first female doctor and Marie Curie

7. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Everyone knows I love travelling, everywhere and anywhere but somewhere I've not been before. I'd be very keen to visit Australia, New Zealand or to tour Asia. America would definitely have been top of the list until we booked our summer holiday

8. What is your favourite film?
It varies from time to time but right now I'd have to choose Lilo and Stitch. It's definitely my favourite for revision procrastination

9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Golly, I'll be 29. I'll (hopefully) have a degree, will probably have seen a lot more of the world through travelling, I'll definitely have a job and hopefully it will be one I enjoy. It's scary

10. Name three of your favourite blogs to read
My favourite Nutmeg
Amelia and Grace
Carrie Hope Fletcher

Hope you've learned some new things about me!

Questions for my Nominees
1. Talk about the moment you decided to create a blog. Why did you decide to do it?
2. Quiet night in with a few friends or loud night out with lots of friends?
3. What is your favourite Disney film?
4. Do you have a place that brings back childhood memories?
5. What are you looking forward to most about summer?
6. What is the most challenging thing that you've ever done?
7. What was your first job and did you enjoy it?
8. You've got one day of freedom. No costs for travelling. Where would you go, with who and what would you do?
9. Would you ever start a YouTube channel
10. What is your favourite sport

The Rules:
Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
(Copy and paste the Liebster Award badge to your post)
-Nominate up to 10 new bloggers
-Answer the 10 questions the person who nominated you asked you
-Notify the bloggers you have nominated by leaving them a comment on their blog
-Create 10 new questions to ask the bloggers you nominate…

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Sunday 1 May 2016


I'm afraid that there's not going to be any prizes for guessing the content of this post. It's going to be a little apology...

I've done that thing again. That one where I agree to a little bit too much, and I don't quite have enough time to do it all, and then the stress of exams just gets on top of me a little bit. So here I am, still working, with an exec report to write and revision to do at gone-midnight knowing that I have to be up by 6am to coach a rowing outing. Which is all fine, because things always work out the way that they're meant to in the end. But for now, I do have to be a lot more careful and aware of my time.

I'm still here to reply to comments, and I'm still working on a lot of content but that content is going to take a little while to appear because exams are only temporary but they have a lasting effect and that's where I need to focus all of my energy right now. In other news, I have a super exciting summer planned and can't wait to be free from all of this stress to share it all with you!

I hope you're all well and understand why I'm not here right now. I am sorry. I will definitely be back soon and in the meantime...

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Sunday 17 April 2016

Why I'm not on a gap year

If you know me, you probably know that I thrive on adventures and new experiences. I love to explore new places and see things I've never seen before. It then comes as a bit of a shock to people that I haven't taken a gap year. And that's quite understandable because I'd love to spend a year travelling and I'm pretty sure that I come across that way to others. So I thought I'd talk about my reasons for not taking a gap year, and just general travelling for a little while...

I've always know that I wanted to go to university to gain qualifications and life experience, to learn new things, and to have as good a chance as possible for my future. I was also pretty sure I wanted to study maths (whether or not that still stands is a different matter) and the very well respected universities that I was aiming for often overlook applicants for maths that take a year out due to a break in studying so that was also a major influencing factor. And this has worked out to be a good thing as my university offer to part fund travelling as part of personal development. Also, I'm not sure I was mentally ready to be in such unfamiliar surroundings and moving out has provided me with the confidence as well as helping me to gain skills that I couldn't at home.

Money. Do I really have to explain this? Being alive costs money, university costs money and the student loan doesn't cover very much for me. Not least, travelling costs money too, especially if I'm going to make the most of it. Leaving travelling for a few years means that I'll be able to have a couple of summers cramming in the hours at work for a more worthwhile trip.
When I went to Ghana, there were things I saw that were upsetting, things that I wanted to change. 

I saw children being beaten for tripping on uneven ground. I saw male teenagers with additional needs in Minnie Mouse shorts saturated in wee and staff that didn't care about it. I saw babies crying in cots because they didn't receive any attention; then when I picked on up to comfort her I was shouted at by the matron for showing care and compassion. 

I don't have to power or resources yet to do these things, returning now I wouldn't have the skills to make a lasting difference; only to make a difference while I'm there. So I've done research into educating the staff on health and social care, I'm trying to collect together books and equipment to teach them about various special needs. But I don't still don't think I have everything ready to do this. I want to gain experience and to take that experience to have the ability to make a larger difference to the world. 

So I've not written off travelling, in fact, quite the opposite. It's on my list of things I want to achieve in the next five years, (and yes, I am one of those control freaks with lists about lists). But for now, I'm gaining experience and saving up so that I can make the adventure as special and worthwhile as possible. 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Sunday 10 April 2016

Things that make me happy: part 2

A while ago, I wrote a blog post called ‘Things that make me happy’ and I really enjoyed sitting down and thinking about exactly that. But the list I wrote then wasn’t exhaustive and I thought it would be nice to extend that list and write a part 2, because it’s important to think about the things you really enjoy doing yourself and making time to include these in your busy scheduele.

                Cute coffee dates with friends                                         Personal achievements

                                                                     New challenges

                               Travelling                                                                Long days    
Blue and yellow (Prize for anyone that guesses the reason for this correctly down below)

                 Skyping long-distance friends                                Making other people happy

                                                           Late night herbal tea chats              

                              A handwritten letter                                                Scrapbooking

I’m pretty sure there’ll be a follow up to this post at some point, but in the meantime, I’d love to hear what’s on your list.
Keep smiling,
-Kathryn x

Thursday 31 March 2016

Durham Fire and Ice

One thing I really enjoy is exploring my surroundings. I love that sense of adventure, the sense of being able to appreciate the things around you in a way that many other people are too lazy to do. So one Saturday morning, whilst most people I knew were happily curled up in bed (albeit it being around 11 o’clock) I wondered down the street to see what seemed to be attracting so many visitors into the city centre. 

What I found in our city centre where several beautifully carved ice sculptures as part of an event called ‘Durham Fire and Ice’ and I guess I just wanted to share my pictures with you.

It was so lovely to appreciate something that brought many tourists to my home and a fantastic revision break. Would definitely recommend a visit in future years!

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x