Monday, 29 September 2014

It's just a work in progress

Since this is mostly a private blog and only two people know me outside of the Internet, I feel that I can be completely honest about things and I guess I wanted to write a blog that displayed the message 'It's okay to not be okay'

In the not so distant past I have been through quite a few personal issues but the details of these aren't the important part. At first, it took me a long time to accept that anything was wrong and reaching out for help was probably one of the hardest things that I have ever done. And from there nothing got any easier. I've had many things to tackle; thoughts and feelings that I didn't feel strong enough to fight. But I came out of the other end. Dragged out kicking and screaming at first, but out is out. 

More recently I have been wondering how I know when I'm actually 'better'. Is it the moment that you decide you want to live differently? The moment you reach out for help? Or is it when you've had help? Just because you've had some 'help' does that automatically constitute as being fixed? Because that doesn't seem to make sense to me. How can you be better because someone else decides you've had enough help? So I stopped and thought about it a little bit harder. Maybe you're better when you decide that you want to be. Or maybe not. 

I was asked recently, by one person who has been helping right from the moment things came out, if things were going okay. I knew exactly what was meant by 'things' and how supportive she's still being completely baffles me. I'm pretty sure I don't deserve it. But that day the reply I managed to find was 'I think so' because I didn't know. I didn't know what constituted for 'okay'. I didn't know how to define it but it seems that I didn't need to. The reply I got was 'That's good! Everything's just a work in progress'

And that's the answer to my question. It took someone on the outside to answer it for me. It's just a work in progress. Nothing's ever changed instantaneously, at least, nothing that's worth changing. And that's okay. There will always be good days and bad days but, most importantly, on those bad days there WILL always be someone who wants to help if you reach out. I'm always will to help! Bad days are completely normal and OKAY! No one is perfect all of the time, everyone has flaws and their own personal battles to face. They make us all unique and some things stay with us forever but that doesn't mean we have to let them define us.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Saturday, 27 September 2014

100 questions that no one ever asks tag

Recently I've been really enjoying this sort of blog. It's so great to allow you to get to know me a little bit better and it would be nice if you'd like to leave a comment if there's anything you agree with or disagree with. Hope you don't find it boring!

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? 

Closed. I cannot sleep with doors open!

2. Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?

Well I do if they're nice, if they're not what's the point? I do, however, make a habit of taking whatever biscuits and tea bags they have! Vanilla Chai tea bags are the best

3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? 

My bed is wedged into the corner or my room with one side next to the wall so that side is tucked in. The other side is left out so half and half

4. Have you stolen a street sign before? 

What? Is there even a valid reason for doing this?

5. Do you like to use post-it notes?

I love post-it notes! I have a small obsession with stationary and pretty much anything that can be used for organisation. And I have a nice little colour-coding system for different types of tasks and their importance

6. Do you cut out coupons but never use them? 

To be honest I don't ever use coupons but I don't cut them out either so no

7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?

Hmmm, I'm thinking the bear but I'm not sure. I'm not really a fan of conflict of any sort so I'd hope it was someone dressed up as a big bear to give me a big bear hug 

8. Do you have freckles?

Yes, a lot! I sometimes made jokes that one day all of my freckles will join up and I'll look permanently tanned 

9. Do you always smile for pictures

I try at least; I've got the worst smile going. Just very unphotogenic 

10. What is your biggest pet peeve?

I shouldn't admit to this but I have quite a lot. In fact, I'm going to struggle to pick one. Maybe when people leave a door open part way. Close it properly or leave it fully open, is it so hard? Or people watching me eat. Please, is it really necessary?

11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

Yes, I'm not sure why though; I always lose count. Maybe it's just the comfort that numbers never change when everyone and everything around me is

12. Have you peed in the woods?

I have done. You learn that it's not too much of a terrible thing after D of E! I lasted through bronze and silver but at gold you go away for a week

13. Have you ever pooped in the woods?

I have not 

14.  Do you ever dance even if there's  no music playing?

All the time

15. Do you chew your pens and pencils? 
I do, unless they're borrowed
16. How many people have you slept with this week? 
Do teddy bears count?
17. What size is your bed?
Just a single
18. What is your song of the week? 
Oooh, good question. I listen to so much music but none of it will really interest you. Right now I'm enjoying James Blunt's 'Carry You Home'. I know it's quite old but I'm entitled to my own music choice, just as you are :)
19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink? 
Yes, they can wear whatever they like just like I'd want to. I don't like pink so don't wear it but wouldn't want to be.
20. Do you still watch cartoons? 
I didn't ever watch cartoons. Just not a fan.
21. Whats your least favorite movie? To be honest I don't watch too many movies. But one film that I don't particularly like is Twilight. I think the book was great but the film was a little bit of a let down
22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some 
Now if I told you it wouldn't be hidden would it
23. What do you drink with dinner? 
I'm very fussy about what I eat and drink and at dinner it's just water
24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? 
I just don't eat chicken nuggets. Like I said, a VERY fussy eater!
25. What is your favorite food? 
Carrot. Sticks of carrot. I'm sure I must have been a rabbit in a previous life
26. What movies could you watch over and over and still love? 
All of the Harry Potter's and Mamma Mia
27. Last person you kissed/kissed you? 
Probably my mum
28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
We don't have Girl Scouts here but I was a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide and now I'm a Young Leader
29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? 
I wouldn't even pose fully clothed. I absolutely hate photographs and what I look like
30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? 
Yesterday. I love writing letters. So much nicer than sending an email.
31. Can you change the oil on a car?
32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket? 
I don't even drive yet!
33. Ever ran out of gas? 
34. Favorite kind of sandwich?
Okay I'm not the biggest fan of sandwiches but I do like a good cheese and tomato toastie. If it has to be a sandwich though, I only like Warburtons Sandwich Thins so it would be one of those with cheese, salad and sweet chilli sauce  
35. Best thing to eat for breakfast? 
I don't like eating breakfast. I physically can't eat before I swim in a morning but I've started forcing myself to on a college morning. So I don't mind banana in yoghurt or Nature Valley bars. And that's it.
36. What is your usual bedtime? 
It depends. Some days I only get in from swimming at ten but as sad as this is, I try to be in bed by ten when I can. I'm a morning person.
37. Are you lazy? 
I certainly hope not!
38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? 
Usually some variety of witch
39 What is your Chinese astrological sign? 
Absolutely no idea
40. How many languages can you speak? 
That depends on how you define speak. I speak English obviously, then I've studied Spanish for 9 years so know enough for most things and I know just about enough Turkish to get by if I need to
41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
I don't
42. Which are better legos or lincoln logs? 
I'm going to have to say Lego on the basis of 'What are Lincoln Ligs?'
43. Are you stubborn? 
I try not to be and don't think so but its probably better to ask someone else
44. Who is better…Leno or Letterman? 
Who or who?
45. Ever watch soap operas? 
Nah, I waste my time watching The Great British Bake Off. Unless you count Waterloo Road, Casualty or Holby City but they're dramas really
46. Are you afraid of heights? 
47. Do you sing in the car? 
I sing everywhere 
48. Do you sing in the shower? 
49. Do you dance in the car? 
I like to dance but is there really enough room in the car?
50. Ever used a gun?
Actually, yes. Yes I have. Scared yet?
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? 
Probably my last school photo which was 12 months ago. Unless you count the school photographer, in which case it was Wednesday for the college council
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? 
Some are and some aren't but I do love musicals
53. Is Christmas stressful?
Yes, but it's usually close to worth it
54. Ever eat a pierogi? 
I don't know what that is but I'll assume not. I'm such a fussy eater so it's unlikely 
55. Favourite type of fruit pie? 
Cherry or rhubarb (but not together!)
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Doctor, lawyer, journalist, writer, blogger/youtuber (hmmmm) and (the one that I haven't grown out of) a maths teacher
57. Do you believe in ghosts? 
Sometimes I like to but I'm not sure
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? 
59. Take a vitamin daily? 
Yes, which sucks but I guess it's important for me
60. Wear slippers? 
I prefer slipper socks
61. Wear a bath robe? 
Dressing gown? I do, but only when it's very cold
62. What do you wear to bed? 
63. First concert?  
Not been yet! Please someone change that ;)
64:Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? 
Where, where or where? I'll assume they're the American equivalent of ASDA
65. Nike or Adidas? 
It depends what for but usually Nike
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
I don't eat crisps; really don't like them
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? 
Both! Finally found something I do eat
68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? 
69. Ever take dance lessons? 
From the age of two to fifteen: ballet, tap, modern, jazz, disco, street, cheerleading
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?  
Not really, I don't mind as long as he's happy
71. Can you curl your tongue? 
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
We don't have them but I think I might be able to. Everyone comes to me for spellings 
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? 
Yes, a few times but usually at work
74. Own any record albums? 
I do. ABBA and Bon Jovi
75. Own a record player? 
Again, yes I do!
76. Regularly burn incense?
I don't but I forever burn candles. My salted caramel Yankee candle is nearly finished :(
77. Ever been in love? 
I'm not sure
78. Who would you like to see in concert? 
Imagine Dragons, Demi Lovato, Gabrielle Aplin, Amy MacDonald. I could go on...
79. What was the last concert you saw? I've not :(
80. Hot tea or cold tea? 
Hot green tea with lemon
81. Tea or coffee? 
Both but if I had to choose I'd go with coffee
82. Sugar or snickerdoodles?
83. Can you swim well? 
I'm a competitive swimmer who swims for fifteen hours a week, a lifeguard, coach and teacher so I'd like to think so
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? 
85. Are you patient? 
I really do try to be
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? 
DJ I think but I've never really thought about it
87. Ever won a contest? 
Yes, I've won odd things like creative writing competitions and a bookmark designing competition. I was such a cool kid
88. Ever have plastic surgery? 
89. Which are better black or green olives? 
Eewwww! Neither
90. Can you knit or crochet? 
Nope, my grandma tried to teach me but I don't have very good hand eye coordination 
91. Best room for a fireplace? 
Bedroom or living room 
92. Do you want to get married? 
93. If married, how long have you been married?
I'm not married
94. Who was your HS crush? 
Why would I answer that?
95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? 
Nope, I know it's not the solution
96. Do you have kids? 
97. Do you want kids? 
Yes, but I'd also like to foster or adopt
98. What's your favorite color? 
99. Do you miss anyone right now? 
100. Who do you tag?
I tag my wonderful Nutmeg
Hope this has helped you to get to know me a little bit better! And until next time...
Keep smiling,
Kathryn x 

Saturday, 20 September 2014

When it all gets a little bit overwhelming...

For some of us it's that time of year that may be even more stressful than exams; time to apply for university! Now I can hear it, some of you are asking 'how can applying for something be more stressful than getting the grades to get in?' But it really is! 

I'm 17 years old yet suddenly have to be making grown-up decisions about money about accommodation and about where I want to spend the next three or four years of my life. Not only that, I'm expected to make life-changing decisions. And I'm not talking 'I can't decide whether to pick music or art for GCSE' sort of decisions. In no way am I belittling GCSEs but, for anyone worrying about them right now, they're just a little stepping stone. In two years time you won't even remember your results from them. But now I have to pick one course that limits my career options so much. Am I really expected to know what I want to do for the rest of my life? 

And we have to 'sell ourselves' to the university in 4000 characters or less. That may seem like a lot but I don't think I've written a blog post that's shorter than that yet and the personal statement has to include enough information about me to earn myself an offer! 

For the last few weeks, I have been filled with worry and dread. I've been constantly anxious and panicky but I can see that it hasn't been necessary. My UCAS form has gone now; there's absolutely nothing that I can do to change anything so I can eagerly anticipate replies from my chosen universities. 

This experience has helped me to realise that sometimes it's extremely important to just take a minute to step back from the situation, relax and look after yourself. I have felt completely overwhelmed by the idea of choosing five universities but it's important to remember that whatever happens, it happens for a reason. Right now you're exactly where you're supposed to be and you have to trust that in the future you'll end up exactly where you're meant to be too! For the time being, when things get a little bit overwhelming, sit back and enjoy the ride because things won't be like this forever. 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Monday, 15 September 2014

I don't want to be a statistic

I can hear you thinking that this is going to be some crazy blog post about my love for maths but, as much as that is a fantastic idea, it's not. It might be a bit of a different sort of blog post to what you're used to reading on here but it's something that I feel strongly about so hope you don't mind hearing about it...

The other day I was sat in an A level maths lesson and I can't actually remember what was being discussed; it may have been exam grades. Anyway, one of the lads in my class turned around and said something along the lines of 'You're a girl, you're not supposed to be good at this. Girls are good at English and arty things' and it did get me thinking. I wasn't happy to just let this pass! I know that the lad meant absolutely nothing of it more than humour because he's a great person but when questioned he just said that it was 'statistically correct'. 

Now as much as the comment didn't mean anything, it did make me realise that a lot of people do make comments like that meaning it. I don't know the statistics myself but will be looking into them. However, just because on average girls are worse at some things, that doesn't mean that I am 'supposed' to be! I'm a girl, but I'm hardworking; if I want to do something, I will do it! So anything is achievable! I enjoy maths and know that although my maths class consists of 2 girls and 3 boys, the girls did better on average last year! The statistics aren't always valid and people need to start considering this. In our college there are around 100 lads who don't study maths at all. They might be studying English, art or drama but do you ever catch anyone saying 'you're not supposed to be good at this because you're male'? Nope. I didn't think so! 

Another instance where comments like this have been made was in Food Tech back in year 11. I'd made a Black Forest gateaux that was apparently quite impressive, I'm not sure I thought the same at the time though. And one lad said 'Yeah, but she's a girl. She's supposed to be good at cooking'. THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! I made a decent product because I put the hard work in: did the research, practised, made developments and learned from my mistakes. 

There are other things too. Like males are 'supposed' to be better at most sports. But I know some that can't swim a length! I'm not saying I'm fantastic because I'm not; there are lads in my squad that are better than me but equally, there are girls better than them!
Admittedly, natural ability comes into things a lot but ultimately it comes down to attitude and perseverance!

In short, I guess what I'm saying is that you don't have to be good at something just because statistically your 'supposed' to be. I don't want to be good at something because statistics say I should be; I want to work hard for my achievements. And statistics aren't necessarily valid. Companies doing research introduce bias to results and the results should be taken with a pinch of salt! If you enjoy and want to do well in something that breaks a stereotype, go for it! It's your life to live and the most important thing is that you're happy with it. Sometimes doing something to break a stereotype is a lot more rewarding and enjoyable in the long run!

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

100 random facts about me...

I decided that it's about time for you to get to know a bit more about me; who knows, I might learn a bit about myself while I'm at it. And what better way to do it than the 100 random facts tag? I've wanted to do this for a while and it just took me so long to think of things that I thought you might find quite interesting so my advice to anyone doing this is not to try and write them all in one go. So here we go:

1. Okay we'll start very simply. My name is Kathryn (in case you hadn't already gathered!) 

2. When I was younger my grandparents used to call me Katie but they are the ONLY people that I ever tollerated shortening my name. I actually quite liked it though I wouldn't purposely get people to shorten my name now I don't think.

3. I was born in Nottingham but now live in the north-west. I lived there for around three years and was meant to go to school there and everything so it's scary to think how different things would be now if I hadn't moved. I'd have different friends, different education - it's just scary!

4. I have moved house twice (so lived in three houses). The last move was on my sister's birthday.

5. I am the oldest of three. I have a younger brother and sister

6. I have a small (okay big and probably unhealthy) obsession with salted caramel. Seriously, if you want to get something that I'd be thrilled with, a salted caramel hot chocolate, salted caramel latte, salted caramel Yankee candle, just anything with the words 'salted caramel' in it. 

7. I love to bake! It's one of my favourite things to do and my speciality (surprise surprise) is Millionaires shortbread with salted caramel!

8. I love maths! And I know it's sad but I enjoy it so much...

9. in the future I'd really like to do a degree in mathematics then teach mathematics in a secondary school and college but my parents don't consider teaching as a proper job. 

10. If I can do something each day to help someone else, every day is a successful day

11. I used to want to be a doctor but, after lots of work experience, realised that there's WAY too much paperwork and non-patient contact time for me to enjoy it.

12. I have properly played three instruments during my life so far. I'm at grade 6 clarinet, played the bassoon for 2 years and the tenor horn in my local band but didn't take a level music...

13. ...and my music teacher thinks I'm a nutter because I love music theory.

14. But to be honest, most people think I'm a nutter. I believe it most of the time. Who wants to be normal? 

15. I study A levels in biology, chemistry, maths and further maths and actually quite enjoy college now

16. I swim for around 15 hours each week and compete. It's just a hobby and a great break from schoolwork but can get quite stressful at times

17. I am also a swimming teacher, swimming coach and lifeguard. I coach at my swimming club, I'm a leisure assistant and I teach swimming lessons for children with special needs and disabilities

18. Not sure why I didn't fit this one in earlier but I'm 17, 18 quite soon and that's another really scary thought. Like I'm going to be an adult. I'll have to take responsibility for things and act grown up

19. I have a very extensive bucket list that I may share with you all at some point. And a few of the things on it have already been ticked off so I'm constantly adding new things

20. I must be the most accident-prone person you've ever met - at one point, the receptionist at my local A and E would know my name before I'd opened my mouth

21. I really like art and drawing but wouldn't want to study it. It's a hobby and I love it and if you want to see my drawings, follow @imaginekathryn on Instagram

22. I'm absolutely terrified of cl... Nope. I can't even say the word. But it's those things in circuses with creepy make up.

23. If my main career choice fails, I'd quite like to do interior design - it's just interesting

24. When I'm swimming I find myself singing in my head the whole time and when I'm on my back I'm pretty sure you can see my lips moving. I start to worry that people think I'm crazy...

25. ...but then I remember that I am. That's okay though; Lewis Carroll taught me that all of the best people are

26. And I'm a little bit obsessed with Alice in Wonderland. You'll realise that if you have a peek at my Instagram in about two weeks

27. I just love reading in general; being able to completely lose yourself in another world but come back knowing nothing has changed. Who wouldn't want to live a million lives?

28. If I could be a punctuation mark it would be a semicolon. I hear you asking why and where that one came from so I'll explain. I was in EPQ the other day and on the wall there are about 20 completely random questions and that was one of them. And why? Because it was used instead of a full stop. A sentence was supposed to end but I just gave it a chance to carry on

29. When I was younger my house was number 64 and I genuinely believed that I lived on Zoo Lane

30. I have just about learnt that it takes a lot more strength and courage to admit that you have weaknesses and need help than to cover your weaknesses up

31. I'm a bit of a grammar freak. It annoys me when people use the wrong spelling of a word and I despise abbreviations like LOL, BRB and b4. How is it so much extra effort to write it out in full?

32. My biggest weakness is probably that I'm a complete perfectionist. I know that lots of people say things like that but this is a little bit different. If I do something wrong, or even something doesn't go EXACTLY as I planned, I spend so much time overthinking and wondering how I could have done it better. Maybe I'm just very self-critical

33. I worry too much. About absolutely anything and everything.

34. I am an extremely fussy eater. Some foods that I really can't stand are: seafood, fish, meat, mushrooms, peas, egg, potatoes, cake, etc

35. But I do really like some foods: raspberries, homemade smoothies, melon, pineapple, ice cream, pasta and pancakes!

36. This kind of belongs with 34 but I think it deserves it's own little section. I cannot stand rice but I've never met anyone else who is the same! If you're reading this and can't stand rice, do let me know below

37. Apparently I apologise too much. Someone told me this once and I'm starting to believe it. She did also tell me never to change it though because I'm perfect how I am but she wishes I had more confidence. It's something I'll always remember because it's so sweet. So thank you! 

38. I also feel like I never thank people enough. Even the people that do wrong to you should be thanked, they made you stronger than you ever were before

39. I started this blog to kind of spread positivity and happiness; I hope in at least one way I've managed that but I guess I'll never know

40. I really like big questions that make you think. For example, 'Can you feel guilty for something you didn't do?' and 'Can you ever really know what it's like to be someone else?' 

41. I'm a little bit too sarcastic but sometimes I just can't contain myself

42. Travelling is something I love and want to do more of. The freedom you feel is just amazing

43. I have been to see Wicked on the West End and thought it was absolutely phenomenal 

44. I don't really believe in luck. I mean, it's nice to have something to blame when bad things happen but really, it's just a bunch of probabilities

45. I don't ever want to stop learning, at least, not before the day I die and even then I'd rather not. A very wise person said 'education is power' and they're right

46. When I was younger, the world news absolutely terrified me. I had nightmares about war and drugs so much that I used to hide behind the sofa when it was on. I may not have grown out of that habit

47. By the time I was nine, I'd read all of the Harry Potter books that had been released and by the time my 11th birthday came, I was waiting on my doormat for my Hogwarts acceptance letter. It never did come but I still check

48. I waste way too much time watching videos on YouTube but is it really a waste if I'm enjoying myself? And one day if really like to make videos myself

49. I try my hardest to be a good listener and help others out. So many people have done it for me and it's the least I can do it return. Plus, I really enjoy trying to make others feel better and sort out their problems

50. When I cry or get ill I immediately feel the need to apologise. I feel awful that people have to give up their time to look after me, even when assured it's no issue and feel like I always need to be the strong one

51. According to Myers Briggs I am an INFJ and believe it or not, that is the least common personality type. After reading the descriptions I realised that it is very accurate though some people wouldn't believe it because they only see certain sides of my personality

52. One thing I have always wanted to do is ride a horse but I guess there's plenty of time to do that

53. I have made a promise to myself that I'll never stay in a job where I'm not happy - life's too short

54. I have had my heart set on one university for as long as I've been thinking  about my future so didn't bother booking any other open days. Then I remembered you have to apply for five courses

55. I haven't seen some of my closest friends for an extremely long time but that doesn't weaken our friendship. If anything it makes it stronger

56. I love writing but I'm not particularly good at it. However, my friend and I are going to work on a little book-writing project in our free time

57. My taste in music is extremely diverse; I listen to practically everything 

58. I practically have no immune system; my doctor's professional opinion says so but I never take days off school, college or work. Tough cookie I am :)

59. I am allergic to quite a lot of things, the most recent discovery being Malerone which are anti-maleria tablets

60. I'm not really allowed to eat chocolate because it gives me migraines but it doesn't stop me when it comes to millionaires shortbread. I just avoid it wherever possible which is fine, until you get to Christmas and Easter

61. Volunteering in Ghana is the single event that has had the most impact on my life

62. I am actually a very shy person 

63. I am a lot more flexible that people think; I can do the splits, a scorpion and I'm very close to a needle

64. If I could be any animal it would definitely be an owl. They're extremely wise and that would help me to help other people. 

65. I'm a morning person - guess the morning swimming training has some benefits 

66. I really love being organised. I just take pride in getting things done on time and things being neat and tidy

67. If I say I'm going to do something, it most definitely will happen. Give it time but it will happen

68. I'm not technically vegetarian but I don't like meat so only eat it on extremely rare occasions 

69. If you think I'm being quite it's probably a good time to 'Say what you mean and mean what you say' because I'll take in absolutely every word of it

70. I will always go out of my way to help someone. Even if they're a complete stranger 

71. I really don't like public transport or restaurant/food outlet type places. I get extremely panicky in both situations but I'm working on it

72. I'm not a great believer in luck. I mean it can sometimes be nice to have something to blame when things go wrong but really it's just a bunch of probabilities. I believe me make our own luck! 

73. I have a very extensive network of family and, in most cases, the more distantly related we are, the closer we are to each other

74. Sometimes when I'm thinking outside of the box, I realise that everyone's on the outside so think back inside the box for the new ideas

75. I think in colour. This is so hard to explain but I see colour in everything, even if it's black and white, I associate sounds with colours. I even associate smells with colour. 

76. I don't want to live life with regrets so I spend a long time making decisions but so far I've usually made the right ones

77. It usually takes a while for me to open up to new people but when I do, you'll have a friend in me for life

78. I don't often have time to watch television so when I do I watch programmes on iplayer. Some of my favourites are Doctor Who, Casualty, Holby City, Waterloo Road and The Great British Bake Off (the latter two I have seen every episode of!)

79. I used to get extremely annoyed when people spell my name wrong but it doesn't bother me so much anymore. In fact, I think I prefer the spelling Katherine 

80. I know enough BSL (British Sign Language) and Makaton (a kind of different form of signing and non-verbal communication) to have a decent conversation. This is because my cousin is deaf, one of my best friends is deaf and I do a lot of work with non-verbal children

81. I rarely answer the telephone because I don't like speaking to people without being face to face and can't deal with telephone conversations

82. I am a fan of all things Disney but I've never actually been to Disneyworld

83. I like changes in seasons, especially the beginning of spring when all of the wildlife seems to reappear and the beginning of autumn when you can walk along and crunch crisp, golden leaves beneath your feet

84. I've seen more variety of colour on a chessboard than there is variety of food in my diet, which, come to think about it, is probably very unhealthy

85. Sometimes I wish I could build a two-way staircase of clouds in and out of heaven; hopefully it would help a lot of people

86. I can't shut my brain down at night so have huge trouble getting to sleep

87. The song 'Fields of Gold' makes me cry. Every. Single. Time. 

88. I can't think if anything that likes me more than mosquitoes. Seriously, I went away for two weeks and got 96 mosquito 'kisses'

89. I used to have a paper round and I enjoyed it at first but when I started to dislike it I quit, and started searching for a more 'proper' job

90. The sun and the moon fascinate me. They never see each other but you wouldn't see the moon if it wasn't for the sun. Weird? 

91. I absolutely despised Mini Milk ice lollies when I was younger but now I'm older and no maturer I love them. In fact, they're my favourite snack

92. I ALWAYS either faint or have a panic attack when I get blood taken yet I can watch someone else have it done no problem! And I've taken blood myself from a practice machine. And I still want to donate blood

93. I consider myself to be an extremely empathetic person

94. Something that I don't think anyone knew before now: I write my own music

95. Sometimes I get bogged down too much by other people's expectations and I guess I worry too much about what other people think

96. My skin is extremely sensitive to everything; mostly skin products, the cold and I bruise like a peach

97. I sometimes struggle to visit other people's houses and really struggle eating at them

98. I used to hate running but because I wasn't able to swim for so long over the summer and haven't been allowed a few times recently, I've started again and really enjoy it!

99. I like really long quite walks where I can forget about anything I'm worrying about, relax and enjoy nature 
100.  Sometimes I think about the past and wish I'd done things differently but then I realise everything I've done so far has made me who I am today. And I should be proud of that; just as you should all be proud too

I hope that gave you chance to get to know me a little bit better and I'm going to ask something of you all if you don't mind. I'd like you to either leave me a comment with a random fact about you or leave a link to your 100 random facts post so I can get to know you a little bit better! 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x