Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 31st

Dear Winter,

It's New Year's Eve already 😱 This is going to be my last letter for the year and that's one scary thought. Things are so different right now to how they were twelve months ago. It's fantastic to have been able to spend the year with some people that mean the world to me and I hope that this continues into the new year. This Christmas time has been a lot better than I ever thought it would be even though I've been busy and spent a lot of the time working. 

I don't have much else to put into this letter Winter, but thank you for being part of this year! So Winter, here's to a brilliant new year! 

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Writing to Winter: December 30th

Dear Winter,

Do you know what's really great about time off college? Playing silly board games like Cluedo and Rummikub without feeling like you've wasted too much time. Watching endless films and reading books and baking shortbread and just doing whatever the hell you fancy doing. 

I haven't quite done much of any of these things that I enjoy doing yet this time but that doesn't mean you shouldn't. In fact, quite the opposite. You should do absolutely whatever you fancy doing for a while because time isn't going to last forever. All of these small things matter because they make you happy but spending time over the holidays stressing about exams, assignments and coursework, you should keep that to a minimum because one day none of those things will matter and you might just wish that you spent a little bit more time enjoying yourself! 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Monday, 29 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 29th

Dear Winter,

I was up very early to swim this morning but thankfully I didn't have to spend all day in work afterwards. Although I didn't quite get back to sleep afterwards, I did have a fairly pleasant day with my family out shopping. Obviously there was the usual younger brother having a moan episodes and not everything was perfect but it was quite nice just to spend part of a day together, because it's usually net impossible to get us all day together for even five minutes. 

It was getting very cold again today. Not the sort of cold where you expect snow, the cold where you need to wrap up warm but feel a little silly with hat, gloves and a scary whilst the sun is shining. I'd quite like to see some more snow though Winter. Maybe not this year because this year is drawing to a close now but some point before you're over would be great. 

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 28th

Dear Winter,

I rarely go out so don't be getting the impression that I'm some sort of party animal Winter but I had another work Christmas party today. I was quite excited which is unlike me but it didn't really go to plan...

Something I wasn't to excited for was the food, I really am not a fan of Chinese food at all. Even the plain things like rice so I ended up eating bananas and custard! But after about an hour and a half I ended up with a really awful migraine, caused by flashing icicles opposite me. 

Now I suffer from 'chronic migraines' so I can usually deal with them quite well but this was different. After the meal I was looking forward to a couple of drinks around different pubs and just having a good time. Possibly more importantly, everyone else wanted me to go and I don't like not being able to please people. But I think I did the right thing. 

Sometimes Winter, you have to put yourself first. It's important to take care of yourself. And what I had to do was go home, take a few Migralieve (which make minimal difference), sit in a dark room and have a drink of something pretty warm and sugary. I was still the same for 28 hours (78 is the record) but if I hadn't left early, if I'd stayed to please everyone else and not looked after myself, it would have been longer. Sometimes you have to do what if right Winter, even if it seems selfish.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 27th

Dear Winter,

Back to work today and it was honestly quite enjoyable. The pool was practically empty all day and it actually gave me a bit of time to relax. With a flask of green tea. Staring at an empty pool. Either way I love it really! In my breaks I got a little bit of time to catch up on some college work that if been slacking with quite recently. 

I guess I'm quite lucky Winter; an enjoyable, well-paid and not too chaotic job. I don't have to work too many unsociable hours and even get paid extra for the odd ones that I do. But the fact that I'm working is scary Winter. I've been working for over 12 months now and it's only just hit me that it's showing I really am growing up scarily quickly. 

I have to do grown up things like check payslips are accurate, fill in time sheets and have long phone conversations with the tax office, HR and occupational health. All of these are things that you don't learn how to do in school or college. Maybe our education system does need to think about these things. It's all well and good teaching us about interview skills to get a job but that's only the first step. Once you have that job there are 1000 new things you need to do that you have no clue about Winter. But that's all a big adventure isn't it?

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Friday, 26 December 2014

Writing to Winter: December 26th

Dear Winter,

The calm after the storm. That's what you're left with on Boxing Day. You've had a busy day, a couple of family tiffs, a little bit too much to eat and a lot of fun but you're left with a mess. The living room around here still looks like a bomb has hit it and given out presents because no one wants to move their gifts; it'd make them think it's over! 

But the calm after the storm is the best bit! You get to think about all of the great things you've just done and appreciate the memories you've made; spend more time with your family and friends before normality kicks back it. Because it will, oh it will Winter. 

And you brought us our first snow today Winter. At first I thought the few flakes weren't enough to stick or have any impact but the brief twenty minutes of snow we had did manage to stick leaving us with a soft blanket of white. It created such a nice atmosphere for a while but (unfortunately) you'd pretty much taken it away by the morning.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 25th

Dear Winter,

You know you're getting older when your excitement about Christmas shifts Winter. Obviously I'm still 100% excited about the thought of getting up to a room sprinkled with magic just not as excited as others. Perhaps it was a little selfish of me to try and get an extra five minutes of sleep when my brother bounced into my bedroom with excitement at 5:30am but I had worked a long day on Christmas Eve! 

Then going downstairs, I didn't want to open my presents first. I was much more excited to be giving my family their presents and even more excited to see my sister's reaction to the presents I had chosen for her. For me the magic now comes from giving to others, seeing that they have a good day, that's enjoyment. And that's what has changed. It's not the big presents that I find exciting now, it's the small ones, the ones that say 'I know you so well'. Like the giant packet of post it notes and the endless supply of nail varnish!

Christmas was good for me. Better than last years by a long shot and do you know what Winter, I'm sure you'll bring an even better one next year. But for now I'm going to enjoy the rest of this one, because it's not over yet!

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 24th

Dear Winter,

It's Christmas Eve Winter, and I woke feeling really unchristmassy. I guess that's my own fault; being up for swimming at 5am then working straight through till 5pm in a place that isn't all that Christmassy. So to sort out my appauling attitude towards Christmas I found a CD player, a very Christmassy CD and made some mince pies and tiffin. But even taking all of those things people seemed to refuse that it's nearly Christmas until my shift ended. 

I came home to sort out the last bits and bobs: helped prepare the veg for Christmas dinner; tidied up a little bit and wrapped up the remaining presents. By that point I was sorted, my Christmas spirit was lit and I was exhausted, ready for bed! So that was my Christmas Eve, what did you do winter? 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Writing to Winter: December 23rd

Dear Winter,

For me, any day in which I don't help others is a day wasted. I guess in some ways I thrive of helping others because I don't ever want anyone to be left struggling. But I also love the way that you can learn from others and help them to learn from themselves. 

During the Christmas period my burning desire to help others is strengthened. There are some people living in  appauling conditions meaning that they won't be able to completely enjoy Christmas this year. Whether it be down to a family crisis, illness, poverty or anything else, Christmas should be a happy and joyful time! So when I was told that over the Christmas period volunteers weren't expected to volunteer at the hospital I was a little saddened. I had a few chats with my boss and managed to change my days to suit the bank holidays that we have so went in today. 

At the hospital, it isn't suddenly any less busy just because it's Christmas, in fact, quite the contrary happens; the chaos is amplified. Being back there reminds me of my Christmas hospital fun a couple of years ago! But being able to help, to ease the load on others is just what I love doing. I'm going to keep being myself and help others right through the holidays Winter, and I hope you will do the same.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Monday, 22 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 22nd

Dear Winter,

Today was the first day that I could properly just relax. I've been working all weekend but now it's the holidays so I have no commitment to leave my bed. That said, I still woke up at 7am and by eight o'clock I was already bored of doing nothing. In the end I went shopping to get the last bits we needed before Christmas and, if there's one thing to learn from that experience, don't do it again so close to Christmas!

ASDA was packed. I was beginning to feel sorry for sardines! People were trying to rush everywhere yet it was virtually at a standstill and what should have taken less than an hour ended up taking three. It wasn't great for anxiety reasons either; so many people pushing and shoving can start to make you feel a little bit overwhelmed. I then returned home to find a nice little list of chores that needed doing.

Oh Winter, I've come to the conclusion that I can't have a day of rest; it's not in my character at all. Every time I try to sit and relax or do nothing my mind wanders, finds me something to do and sooner or later I end up with five hundred thousand things to do. Tasks seem to follow me around and pat me on the shoulder when they need doing. But is that such a bad thing Winter? It annoys me a little bit but is it just a sign of being well disciplined, or is it being obsessive?

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 21st

Dear Winter,

I had way too much time to sit and think about everything and anything today. I was at work and lots of the children I teach didn't turn up so I sat with my book and did a bit of work but when I don't have too much to do my mind goes for a bit of a wander Winter. I was thinking about what I want to do in the future. I mean, I know that I want to be a maths teacher, but what do I really want to do and I realised that there's so much I want to do so I put together a little bucket list which will make an appearance another time.

One thing that I really want to do is learn; I never want to stop learning and I guess that's the reason I want to teach. Because I'll be constantly surrounded by people that I can learn from. It seems silly that you can learn from young children but you really can. Every time I teach I learn something new; about the world or about myself, it's different every time. People often underestimate the power of children Winter, but they shouldn't. Everyone has such a powerful mind and it's just plainly ignorant to believe that you can't learn from someone just because they're younger than you are. I want to take every opportunity to learn something new, wherever the knowledge comes from! 

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 20th

Dear Winter,

The best things in life are spontaneous aren't the my Winter. Today started off just as any normal Saturday morning; I got up early for training then, like a lot of Saturday's, I headed to work. I spent the morning teaching swimming lessons and then the afternoon as a leisure assisstant.  I knew that it was the day of the works Christmas party but wasn't too keen on the idea due to anxiety related issues. 

Half way through my shift someone called in saying that they were too ill (hungover) to go and they wanted to give their place to someone. So, after a lot of persuasion and promises from two lovely people that they'd look after me, I ended up agreeing and had an hour after my shift to get ready.

The night was eventful (bumping into my teachers on a night out and such) but, although I was slightly disappointed that my meal had already been ordered and it was stuff I didn't like (so I lived on carrot and swede, giving my food to others), I had one of the best nights of my life. In some ways I was so proud that I'd done something completely spontaneous and this has just shown me that unpredictable things can be fantastic and don't have to be scary. Winter, I need to learn to say yes to new experiences but I'm getting there, are you?

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Friday, 19 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 19th

Dear Winter,

Is it sad that I'm sad we've got two weeks away from college? I actually enjoy it so much more than I should! Maybe it's the routineness I like, or the safety net that it seems to form. I know that a rest is important and I am looking forward to that a little bit, but right now I don't really feel Christmassy enough to finish. 

It's strange isn't it Winter? The way you can go from hating a place to not wanting to leave. I know that sooner or later I'm going to have to leave my college but I've been a part of it for nearly seven years and I'm just not ready for it to be over yet. Each time we have a break I remember just how soon I will be leaving.

My last day of college for 2014 was great, filled with (mostly) my favourite lessons and in my frees I got a lot of things done that I needed to. I guess the next two weeks are going to be partly relaxing with plenty of catching up on TV and work. What will you be doing?

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 18th

Dear Winter,

Sometimes you have to say no Winter. There was so much I had to do today but I was also supposed to spend my afternoon doing something that I have a commitment too. I didn't have quite enough hours in the day Winter, and usually my answer to that is to stay up a bit later and squeeze it all in, but today I couldn't. I just couldn't.

Sometimes when you have to say no you feel like you've let everyone down but, in all honesty, they'll still be there when you're done. If you've done everything well up until now, one day off isn't going to make a difference. Winter you need to remember that you might have a commitment to them but you also have one to yourself. To look after yourself so that you can do the best for others to. 

Remember that no one is going to think less of you for putting something that is important to you first on one occasion. So do what you need to do Winter and those who care will understand why you had to do it.

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 17th

Dear Winter,

Well I've had fun today Winter. I was never going to turn down an offer to unleash my hidden childish side and watch the Penguins of Madagascar with the Brownie pack that I help out at. 

It was a Christmas treat for them and to see them all happy and laughing at something so small and simple really made me smile; it's true that smiles are contagious! And besides the ridiculous amount of toilet trips I had to assist, I had a fantastic time too! 

One thing I've learnt today is that you're never to old for a little bit of fun Winter. And if you can help someone out or make them smile while you're at it then even better! So say yes to a bit of childish fun Winter. Agree to make a snowman with the children down the road and spread a bit of Christmas cheer. Even if it's just to put a smile on someone else's face.

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 16th

Dear Winter,

It's normal to worry about things and get nervous. It's a completely natural feeling to want to do well at something and fear that you won't; especially if it's something that has the potential to dictate your future. 

Whatever you're worried or nervous about will not be there forever. In fact, I promise you that twelve months from now you will be wondering why on earth you were worrying about it. And the feeling when you realise that whatever it was has gone is fantastic. You'll feel so relieved so hold on to that thought and keep pushing on! 

Embrace however you're feeling; use it as a positive to work hard and hopefully succeed. But don't ever let anyone tell you that you shouldn't be nervous for something. If everyone was meant to think the same we'd all be the same person and were not! People can't control what you think, just like sometimes even you can't! 

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x 

Monday, 15 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 15th

Dear Winter,

I've just realised how negative the past few days seem to have been so I apologise. But sometimes writing honestly is necessary and a good way of expressing feelings without causing any damage. And the weather has been awful recently so if nothing else, let's call it pathetic fallacy! 

In fact, let's start with the weather. When you learn to see past the annoyance of being woken up by rain repeatedly every night for at least a week, theres actually something quite comforting to hear the rhythmical dancing of rain droplets on the rooftops. After a while even the huge gusts of wind are nothing more than a melody with the power of taking you away to anywhere. And once you realise that you've got enough coffee downstairs to keep you up until Christmas 2015, the fact that you've been in an extra hour or to becomes less important. 

Being up early brings me chance to think Winter, chance to do things that I rarely get chance to do. In fact, it's how I've managed to fit quite a few of your letters in. Sometimes it gets me thinking about the best things in the world but they're not always. Having time to gather your own thoughts, put them in order and work out how to deal with them is extremely important and Winter, I guess I've got you and your rain to thank for that! 

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 14th

Dear Winter, 

One of the best things about Christmas for me is the films. Not new films though; ones I've seen before. I've been a little bit busy up until now but I was thinking of a film before and a quote from it. It was 'Of course it is in your head. But why on earth should that mean it is not real?' And I'm not telling you what film Winter, you can work that bit out for yourself. 

It did get me thinking though. People don't always understand what's going on for other people. They can't and they won't. People fight battles every day. Some of these battles are obvious; physical battles and weaknesses. But other battles can't be seen; buried away inside someone's head or covered up so extremely well. But that doesn't make them any less real. Something that people often do is judge others without considering whatever is going on for them. People have reasons for their actions and the people you're judging certainly wouldn't be judging you if you were in their shoes. 

So next time Winter, before you watch someone play the judgement card, can 
you try to point them in the right direction? 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 13th

Dear Winter,

Oh Winter, I know we're not all the same person; we have conflicting views and opinions but that doesn't make anyone's opinion wrong. I just wish some people would realise that. 

I guess in some ways I'm very lucky. For a long time I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do in my life. And then I was in a position where I was torn between but right now I'm certain of what I want; nothing's going to stop me getting there. Not everyone is happy with my decision but that's exactly what it is. MY decision. And if I change my mind, so be it. You're entitled to your own dreams too.

What isn't acceptable is to try to change people's ambitions. To try to make people have lower ambitions just because yours are lower. Maybe one thing you should learn from this is don't ever tell me to drop out of college to suit what you want me to do for you. Because it's not happening. Trying to change that is only going to make you look silly! 

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Friday, 12 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 12th

Dear Winter,

Today is a day to thank people Winter. I've had a tough day but I've certainly received an unimaginable amount of help and support. When things get too much, sometimes you need someone to point out that you just need a break. And that's something extremely hard for me to do. 

So I'm going to thank a few people who have coped with me through all of the times when I haven't quite been myself. I'm also going to thank the one who forced me to have a break, I owe you big time and cannot thank you enough.

And Winter, I think sometimes just a quick cup of tea can help put things into perspective for you. So take some time to have a break today. Sometimes pressure can add up much quicker than you expect and you need to deal with that properly.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Writing to Winter: December 11th

Dear Winter,

For a while now I've been writing to you as if you're a person, but I've been wondering what sort of a person you are. Everyone seems to imagine you as an evil creature with an icy sharp tongue and a cold heart but I think they're wrong. 

They say that you bring the harsh weather, that you're a killer but that isn't true. Yes, the weather you bring is cold, and at times a little unbearable, but you provide the conditions to allow life again in the spring. And you provide a lovely environment for children to enjoy making snowmen and playing around in the snow. 

You're not horrible like everyone thinks. You've just been let down so many times that you've built tall walls and carved them into a couldn't-care-less exterior so that it doesn't happen again. To protect that previous heart of yours because it melts so easily. And I know all too well what it's like to build those walls up. You're such a strong-willed and independent person that you isolate yourself. Sometimes you need to learn to relax but you should never change, because your personality makes you who you are. 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 10th

Dear Winter,

Something that a lot of people have been asking recently is 'Are you okay?'. I know that when asking this they always mean the best but sometimes, people need to know when to stop. If you are repeatedly asking and making absolutely no progress, whoever insists that they are fine, maybe it's just that. They're fine and you're just making them question it themselves. And on the off chance that they're not fine, either (a) they don't have a clue themselves and they appreciate your support but also know where to find you if they need you, or (b) they have something that they want to say but not necessarily to you. Again, they appreciate your support but it's too difficult to say to you. 

I know it's hard to come to terms with but occasionally people just aren't ready to talk but it's okay. I know that I push people to talk too hard sometimes but my best advice for anyone who does the same is to take a step back, let them know that you're there and let them deal with things in their own way for a little bit.

Sorry that today's letter was a little bit ranty Winter.

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 9th

Dear Winter,

I'm doing a lot better with this than I thought I would! Nine days and I haven't missed a post yet though a couple have been a little late. I've decided to give myself until the end of the day after to post each letter to allow myself time to read over them and ensure that they are as close to perfect (grammatically) as I can get them! 

Today I want to ask you about ambitions Winter. First, I want you to think about what it is you want to do with your life. And then ask yourself if it's what YOU want to do or what someone else wants you to do. Because to succeed in something, YOU have to be committed to it, not your parents, friends, teachers or family.

You are the one who paves your life so work out what you want the overall outcome to be and then plan out how you are going to make that outcome possible. But remember one thing for me Winter, as long as you aren't letting yourself down, you can never let anyone down. Whatever you choose is okay so let no one tell you otherwise. And wanting to be happy is worth far more than being too ambitious or trying to please others.

Oh Winter, I want you to know that it's not selfish to do what you want to do. You need to live your own life and stop letting others live their lives through you, because that's not going to make you happy. Are you making the right steps towards your ambitions today Winter? 

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Monday, 8 December 2014

Writing to Winter: December 8th

Dear Winter,

You have to admit that Christmas is creeping up when you come home from college to be greeted by a little bit of Bublé, a fridge full of tiffin and you you can't even see the kitchen table for mince pies. Only nine college days left until I can relax for a little bit and, as much as I don't really enjoy relaxing like most people, I think I will be glad of the break.

Today has felt like one of the longest days of my life Winter. You had me up throwing hailstones against my bedroom all through the night and I just gave up on sleeping at around half five. But that's fine; and very character building! It gave me chance to get lots done so my day has been long but productive. 

Character building. An interesting choice of words I think and that's what I want to write to you about today. In life the average person will go through lots of things that they don't want and have to do lots of things that they don't want to do. But wise words from my swim coach have taught me that 'good people do well in the things that they want to but better people do well in the things that they don't'. Just some words for you to think about today Winter.

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 7th

Dear Winter,

I think today's letter isn't going to be As positive as soMe of our previous ones, but it's something I need to moan about and at the moment It looks like you're at the receiving end, so I apologise. 

Recently, I've heard lots of people telling others, who are struggling with Different things, quite bluntly to 'jUst stop'. Now I'm sorry, but somE things don't work like that. I know that A lot of the Time pEople are only trying to help and I'm so grateful of anyone who takes the time to do that, but sometimes saying things like 'just stop worrying' are like telling someone with an illness, let's use diabetes as an example, to 'just tell your pancreas to start working properly'. It isn't that simple; if it was don't you think the person has already thought about it? Maybe an improved alternative would be 'how can I help you to stop worrying as much?'. And 'it's all in your head' that's another favourite of mine. Just because it's in your head, that doesn't mean it isn't real.

Oh Winter, I think that sometimes people are so eXtremely naive to believe that they can understand everyone's story withouT walking a milE in their shoes. I guess I'M a victim of trying to do that but in reality not everybody can. And if you can't, that doesn't gIve you any right to belittLe there struggles or judge them because in Your life there will be a time when you appreciate exactly the same.

Sometimes people forget that when you come Winter, you bring time for helping others but I hope that this year, a few more people remember.

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 6th

Dear Winter,

The other day I told you that one of the main places that I write is in some sort of vehicle when I'm travelling. But I left you in a little bit of suspense over the second main place, which is coffee shops. For a long time I didn't like going out to anywhere like Costa or Starbucks for various reasons. But voluntary work at a hospital and some friends have educated me very well! 

It's such a lovely, relaxing and quite often a rare opportunity I get to just sit peacefully and enjoy a coffee but everything about the atmosphere makes me forget whatever is going on in the real world and take some time to enjoy something that I enjoy. Taking a notebook to jot down ideas for blog posts, stories and even a sketch pad to have a doodle enables me to have some time to myself. And it's important to have some time to yourself every now and again isn't it Winter? Not like on those early November days when we have to share you with Autumn; it's cold out but the crispy leaves are still freshly fallen from the trees. That's not time to yourself, and sometimes you just need a little break from sharing your time with everyone to refresh yourself. So, contrary to common belief, it is most certainly okay to spend time on your own! 

But other times I enjoy to sit and natter over a caramel latte in the cosy upstairs of my local Cafe Nero with one of my closest friends. We reminisce over memories, catch up with each other and plan the new memories that we'll make. It's taken a long time for me to be able to be even a little bit relaxed in public places  so I guess I've got lots of people to thank for that. And I have a new hobby now; trying every drink on the Christmas menus! 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Friday, 5 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 5th

Dear Winter, 

Today's been a long and busy day; so much to do but so little time, or at least that's how it felt! I've got exams, jobs and work all coming out of my ears and for a couple of minutes I even believed that I was driving myself crazy - before I realised that I'd done that years ago! I managed to cross off one of my many important tasks to do this month and feel pretty glad that I have. 

On the way home I decided to pick up a quick starbucks so made my usual order 'small salted caramel hot chocolate with soya milk' and was absolutely ecstatic when they gave me a large because they'd ran out of small AND medium paper cups! It was like a small reward for all of the work I've been putting into things at the moment and came at exactly the right time for me! 

I know that this is just a small example that shows good things do happen when you work hard. Like when you bring up snow Winter. It must take so much time and effort to gather the energy to give up that soft blanket of cotton wool, but when you do, you get to see so many children happy and playing. And that's when you get your reward! 

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 4th

Dear Winter, 

I'm not sure where today's letter is going to take us so I think we'll just have to roll with it if that's okay. 

So a lot of my random inspiration for posts comes from my surroundings; from people around me and from my experiences. But the times when I seem to get this written down well I am in one of two places. I'm only going to talk about one of those today, the other will come in good time, but the first one is when I'm travelling. I frequently write blog posts sat in the back of the car as a way of blocking out what's going on around me; it's a great escape strategy! I find that it helps time to pass super quickly and I feel like I've used my time kind of productively. 

But that's not quite what I want this letter to explore Winter. Recently, I've been taking driving lessons and even have my test booked! At first I really didn't want to start but now I'm kind of glad that I did because I love the feeling of freedom; the idea that very soon, I could take myself absolutely anywhere! I've already been lucky enough to see so many different places and cultures but I don't want to stop there. There are so many more places that I want to visit! 

I know it's hard for you because you've got such a strict routine to stick to but if you could go to anywhere that you haven't been Winter, where would it be? And where would you advise me to go? Sometimes I wonder if there's any point staying in one place when there's so much more to see. I know I'm a homebird and I'll always end up back in my own little village but what you do in between being where you're comfortable can really change the world if you do it well so with all of the freedom in the world, what would you do? 

Keep smiling, 
Kathryn x

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 3rd

Dears Winter, 

You gave us our first proper frosty morning today. I was absolutely shocked to see the beautiful white layer of fairy dust or icing sugar all around as I left for college wrapped up nice and cosy by my coat, scarf and gloves. Obviously you managed to bring out my childish side; who can resit a smooth mirror of icy? I can't! So I guess I'm sorry to all of the children who walked up after me and missed out on smashing the ice. I'm sure you'll treat them to some more won't you Winter? After all, you've really only just begun! 

Is it exciting to start afresh every year, to have control of the world for just over three months? I bet it is! Or maybe a little tormenting. I guess you never really get to see the sun, or the bees buzzing through the trees. And you miss out on the long days and ice cream. But I think you get the most time to think. To work out who plays what role in the world and where some things are going wrong. Do you get jealous of the other seasons? Maybe you just appreciate what you have whilst you've got it. 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Writing to winter: December 2nd

Dear Winter, 

It still feels a little bit early for this but I've got my Christmas decorations up! The Christmas tree fairy came to do it in the night as usual (yes, I am 17!) and I have to admit it's making me feel a little bit more festive. I've opened the first two doors on my advent calendar but there's 22 more to open, and that's a lot. It's a long time left in I think the next 22 days are going to be the busiest 22 days of my life so far. And I know it's not going to stop for good then but I should have a little bit of a break before I have to work my absolute hardest again in January.

I've got so many important (and a couple of exciting) things that I've got coming up but a lot of them are just scary things that I don't want to do but have to. I guess that's growing up for you! Isn't it funny that it's supposed to be the most relaxing time of the year yet I've got so much going on. No rest for the wicked, that's what they say! And even more ironically I set myself a little bit of a project to write to you every day this month. How am I going to manage that Winter? Oh I'll find a way, you can be very sure of that! 

I don't usually get too excited for Christmas and I don't think this year will be extremely different, and I'm not in any way wishing my time away, but it's quite nice to have something to look forward to at the end of it all. An opportunity to have a little break from reality for a while. But you don't get that do you Winter? You're here now, snook up on as and you're here for good. At least three months, and you don't get a break. But no ones chasing you away, it's nice that you come back every year full of new opportunities!

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x

Monday, 1 December 2014

Writing to Winter: December 1st

Dear Winter,

It's that time of year again. Right now I don't feel too festive yet but I can feel it in the air; the crisp, cool air that I actually don't mind spending time in. I'm always cold Winter, so your icy nature doesn't deter me too much! Walking down my street I can see some beautiful Christmas lights brightening up the neighbourhood; it just doesn't seem to be the right time for me to start thinking about Christmas yet, especially with all of the work I've got to do.

Since about September at work we've been counting down: three staff training sessions until Christmas! And today was our last one. Zero staff training sessions until Christmas so Winter, does that make it wrong that I don't feel ready for Christmas yet? 

Keep smiling,
Kathryn x